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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. I believe a Hamiti victory is doable. I don't think Carr is a world beater but hard for me to believe Hamiti is getting through Carr's defense.
  2. Id take odds at 100 to 1 and even then I probably wouldn't because to win I'd be betting on him getting reinjured
  3. I know. And I own it
  4. You're still a savvy politician. Calling Ionel stupid without directly calling him stupid
  5. More of a just gut feeling?
  6. No one, not even Cardenas, will ever match the Goat
  7. Im excited about this 15-14 score fest between Bastida & Amos
  8. Posters picking Hamiti. I'm curious why?
  9. I believe it's been unanimously decided he's the worst college wrestler this year
  10. Would make sense with the new Red Shirt rules. Some great potential matchups in that dual. Mendez/Bouzakis vs Latona Gallagher vs Andonian Smith vs Lewis Romero vs Bolen This season is starting out strong!
  11. MSU Open then Sam Latona a week later? Thats a hell of a start for the young kid.
  12. Lol! I thought the Russian tie snap with Makachev is what he is most famous for. Still remember when it went viral. @2:15
  13. I'll throw in Chase Saldate as a dark horse to AA. I think he meets the criteria.
  14. How confident are you on Clemson. It's on my radar but i've been wavering on pulling the trigger.
  15. Agree. Probably would make more sense to not include anyone that is ranked & blue chip recruits making their first start. But when the questioned is phrased "anyone outside the top 10" it broadens who qualifies.
  16. @BobDole @Husker_Du for the integrity of this forum I suggest Cinnabon being banned from making any bets
  17. I remember Zapf starting as a Freshman in the 208-19 season at 133
  18. I was admittedly an awesome high school wrestler - a starter yes, but not by necessity. But there have been D-1 champs, All-Americans, even world medalists who have posted on wrestling forums such as this. My question to you...is what maximum wrestling credentials does one have to achieve to obtain disrespect? High school state placer? College starter? D-1 All-American?
  19. Time to go to bed
  20. Some people prefer sparkling cider
  21. Outside of the Top 10 that can AA Braxton Amos has to be at the top of the list Cam Caffey Travis Whitlake Beau Bartlett
  22. He is not leaving Penn State. He has more control over the program than people realize. He's happy
  23. Post delete feature. Just double posted by accident and couldn't delete
  24. I assumed Zack Esposito was the heir apparent. Well spoken, level headed and has a lot of in roads on the east coast from his days at Blair
  25. He's posting a lot of MMA training footage on his Twitter feed. Seems like he found his future path
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