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  1. I bring this all up for three reasons: 1. Because I want to seem normal, and normal fans of teams hate other teams. 2. It doesn't seem right for a university to acquire an entire article for their own use. Not even the Mona Lisa is known as the "The Mona Lisa," and the Great Pyramid of Giza is not "The Great Pyramid of Giza." The absolute only reason to capitalize the "T" in a "The" is to start a sentence or for "The Batman." 3. Because you can't give yourself a nickname. It's against the Man Rules and the dictates of a civilized society.
  2. This particular Davebert was created with you in mind. The fact that you dragged in poor @MPhillips is pretty cool. Whenever I do a preview of an ILLINI/OSU dual, I always make sure to call it an Ohio State University. Because fans of one school are always mean to fans of other schools.
  3. We boycotted the BRICS Games as well. USA! USA! USA!
  4. Amazing find! I've never tried one of those "Escape Rooms" they have for tourists in Myrtle Beach, but I imagine these are the types of puzzles that you have to figure out to escape. When I hit translate on the link you provided, the first sport that came up was "Acrobatic Rock 'n' Roll." On other days, they had "Football biathlon" and "Chess." On June 22 and 23, they held "Breaking" competitions. So, the BRICS Games are as corrupt and indolent as their capitalist-pig Olympic Games counterpart! And what is this on June 14: "Synchronized swimming. Solo - free program"? The Russian wrestlers competing at Olympic weights included Anzor Zankuev at 74kg, Malik Shavaev at 86kg, Bady Maadyr Samdan at 97kg, Abasgadzhi Magomedov at 65kg, Ramiz Gamzatov at 57kg. Looks like a "B" team to me. Thanks! I know that the ILLINI RTC has deep ties with wrestlers in Russia; Ermak Kardanov is a former Russian training there, and Coach Medlin has come out opposed to the decision to block Russia from the Olympics. Heck, there are old social media pictures of IRTC guys hanging with Sidakov and other Russian champions. But, when you threaten nuclear holocaust to the organizing city, you might not get invited.
  5. Not counting Abakarov, Russia has been a medalist at four of the last five Olympics at this weight. They won Gold in three of the last five events. The absence of Russia this year makes Spencer's statistical chances for Gold even better. In my mind, he will be a very solid favorite in every matchup.
  6. I've tried to locate information about the recent BRICS games and it's wrestling tournament. So far: I know there was a BRICS games, and I know some people wrestled. From what I've read, it was staged in Russia, the Russians sent an army of athletes, and about 79 countries sent at least one participant, with ally Belarus sending a bunch. Brazil as well. It seems that their challenge to the Olympic Games went about as well as their challenge to the US dollar.
  7. I'm a big fan of Zane as a wrestler and a person. Got to talk to him a little bit at Midlands where he was coaching the unattached wrestlers. Very smart and sociable. I'd hate to play him in pickleball, though, as his reflexes are probably pretty good. Cheers!
  8. This is why it is funny to me: News editors, reporters and apparently North Carolina get it wrong all the time. This is what North Carolina attorneys have to say about the distinction. By the way, I put "Judo Chop" in quotation marks and searched Google. There were 18 pages of results. Hilarious!
  9. A couple of observations and questions: 1. Is that Eric Trump reporting local news in North Carolina? 2. "Assault" is when you fear somebody is going to attack you. That couldn't apply here because the perp struck from behind with no warning. "Battery" is when somebody touches you in an inappropriate way. This was a battery. I agree that it's confusing. Though not as confusing and funny as "Judo Chop." 3. I'm going to suggest to my friend Mad Ivan that he do an intensive camp for wrestling parents.
  11. If you can't get to an official ILLINI intensive wrestling camp, or at least a camp staffed with ILLINI coaches or wrestlers, let me suggest Mad Ivan's Intensive Wrestling Camp (Ages 2-4): And, yes, Stevo is the model for this video.
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