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  • 4 weeks later...

The judge wiped out the results of the auction (neither bidder gets it) for odd reasons. The reasons are odd because they fly in the face of established bankruptcy practice and precedence.

Anyway, it looks like there will be another auction. And it seems like it will still be almost impossible for Jones to win.

The reason The Onion bid was superior is because it was supported by the families that Jones owes $1.3 billion to for lying about the deaths of their loved ones (for profit, no less, so scummy, irredeemable scummy). Their support takes the form of agreeing to cancel a small amount of their debt if The Onion buys Infowars such that some money goes to other creditors.

Unless Jones can bid more than the $1.3 billion they are owed so that those other creditors also get something, he just cannot compete. He bid $3.5 million in the original auction.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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