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On 4/22/2024 at 11:11 AM, VakAttack said:

The Zahid-Brooks thing was BS. it was incidental and didn't affect anything and should have gotten an attention call, if anything. Brooks was also the beneficiary in another close situation in his Dieringer match where he was in on Dieriger on a single, and it looked to me like Dieringer initiated an counter exposure.

The Nolf-Burroughs match was odd in that Nolf never even got warned, but Burroughs scored zero points, so I don't have much sympathy for that thought process.

On Gilman-Lee 1, I thought the call should have been 4, but as mentioned previously, I only really saw it out of the corner of my eye and the angle was bad.  I've seen the screenshot floating around, but a lot of the media guys have been saying 2 was the right call.  Either way, it was a close call that didn't go PSUs way.

I initially thought Gilman scored 4, but people much more knowledgeable than me said it was two.  It initially looked like 4, but plenty of pictures showed 2.   Also, lets not get silly and act as if Lee couldn't have gone and gotten one more point even it it were a 4.  There was time left and he would have only needed a 1.  He had no problem scoring, even scoring late if need be.

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9 hours ago, wrestle87 said:

I don't believe I'm being biased, I do think it's awfully convenient that Zahid just happens, once again...to be in the middle of another one of these situations.  Fool me five times, shame on you...but eventually, we are responsible for pattern recognition. 

This and the headgear grab against Hall that was what, 6 years ago?  What other “of these situations” has Zahid been in the middle of?

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On 4/22/2024 at 10:58 AM, pokemonster said:

Interesting. I would just like for our referees to call things similarly to international officials (aside from the scandals e.g. Chamizo of course) as it seems our domestic refs do not. 

A big part of that is the vast majority of our refs are splitting the year between folkstyle rules and international rules.

  • Bob 1
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