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Weathering - Not about Global Warming


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“Living life according to the dominant social norms of personal responsibility and virtue is not universally health‑promoting,” Geronimus wrote in a Harvard Public Health essay last year. “On the contrary: if you’re Black, working hard and playing by the rules can be part of what kills you.”

" . . . Geronimus’ . . . , the concept she pioneered – “weathering” – . . . ideology that is now upending medicine and social policy"


If her hypothesis is correct that practicing personal responsibility and virtue is killing blacks and browns then what is her proposed solution?  Complete geographic resegregation?  Shall we send everyone back?

How does her hypothesis contend with the fact that men have a lower life expectancy than women?  The Matriarchy is killing us?  

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This is pretty stupid.   So blacks are just supposed to sit back and let the man take it to them?   That would make them last longer?   More drivel from the left to keep the black man down.   That is their MO.    We will fight for you.   they vote them in but nothing changes for the better.   Where are they since the 1960s?   In worse shape than they were back then.  


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