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Awards: Criteria Discussion


Recommended Posts

The point of this topic is to discuss what awards to recognize and what criteria to use.


Criteria Considerations

  • What to award
  • How many members to award
  • How to balance scores across low and high-ranked members (post counts, etc.)
  • Minimum criteria to qualify for award consideration
  • The numerous ways emojis are utilized


What to award?

  • Positive
    • Dan Hodge Trophy — the most outstanding members based on reputation (AKA Cael's Crest)
    • Most Dominant Award — the members with the most positive reactions received, positives given, and posts
    • Schalles Award — the best members (pinners) based on days won (AKA Snyder's Summit - Winners Win)
    • Gregorian Award — to the member with the most pins/days won in the least amount of membership time
    • Gable Grind Award — most posts
    • Greg Warren Award — for the comedians
    • Brands Beacon Award  — members with the most profile views
    • Burroughs Brilliance - members with the most likes
    • Rising Stars — highest reputation for new members
    • Team Players — members in the most clubs and thanks reactions
  • Negative
    • Stallers — members with the longest tenure and fewest posts/reactions (lurkers)
    • Trolls — members that give an excessive amount of WTF and Sad reactions
    • Troll Feeders — members that receive an excessive amount of WTF and Sad reactions
    • Twilight Zoners — members with the most confused reactions given and received


Available metadata with sample values.

  • member                       : 414-medicineman  
    • "timestampCached"       : 1702678218073       // used for last update to cached data 
    • "joinedTimestamp"       : 1670590774000        // used to group by tenure, content per day of membership
    • "lastVisitedTimestamp"  : 1670590774000     // is the member still active?
    • "posts"                 : 43                                        /
    • "score"                 : "109"
    • "daysWon"              : 0
    • "clubCount"             : 0
    • "sumGiven"              : 50
    • "gvnWTF"                : 0
    • "gvnSad"                : 2
    • "gvnConfused"           : 0
    • "gvnThanks"             : 6
    • "gvnHaha"               : 8
    • "gvnLikes"              : 34
    • "sumReceived"           : 110
    • "rcvdWTF"               : 0
    • "rcvdSad"               : 0
    • "rcvdConfused"          : 1
    • "rcvdThanks"            : 8
    • "rcvdHaha"              : 40
    • "rcvdLikes"             : 61
    • "followersCount"        : 0
    • "profileViews"          : 0
    • "rankTitle"             : "State Qualifier (6/14)" 


Initial count-based classifications

  • posts       : 'Grinders', (Stallers, Hawkeyes, Airborn Authors, Power Poster)
  • score       : 'Reputables', (Elites, Kings)
  • daysWon     : 'Winners',
  • clubCount   : 'Team Player'
  • sumGiven    : 'Givers',
  • gvnWTF      : 'Hostiles', (Trolls, Troll Feeders)
  • gvnSad      : 'Critics', (Empathists, Trolls, Troll Feeders)
  • gvnConfused : 'Bewildering',
  • gvnThanks   : 'Gratefuls',
  • gvnHaha     : 'Jesters',
  • gvnLikes    : 'Friendlies', (encouragers, suckups)
  • sumReceived : 'Celebrities',
  • rcvdWTF     : 'Controversial', (Trolls, Troll Feeders)
  • rcvdSad     : 'Unpopulars', (Empathists, Trolls, Troll Feeders)
  • rcvdConfused: 'Enigmatists',
  • rcvdThanks  : 'Gurus', (Wisemen, Helpers)
  • rcvdHaha    : 'Comedians',
  • rcvdLikes   : 'Popular', (Celebrities)
  • followersCount : 'Leaders',
  • profileViews : 'Magnets', (respected, unique, contributor, fans, friends, trolls, villians) 
  • rank        : 'Member Rank'

CC @Wrestleknownothing

  • Fire 3
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What should the goals and criteria be for recognizing comedians?  


Based on Posts:

How often are you funny?

  • comedianScore = rcvdHaha / posts
  • M1: 93.0% = 40 / 43
  • M2: 17.2% = 660 / 3834
  • M3: 4.0% = 52 / 1300

Based on Reputation:

Are you known as funny?

  • comedianScore = rcvdHaha / reputation
  • M1: 36.7% = 40 / 109
  • M2: 24.9% = 660 / 2650
  • M3: 27.6% = 52 / 188

Based on Overall Engagement 

Do people engage because you are funny?

  • comedianScore =rcvdHaha / sumReceived
  • M1: 36.4% = 40 / 110
  • M2: 24.5% = 660 / 2694
  • M3: 26.0% = 52 / 200

Emphasizes the relative importance of "Haha" reactions

Are you frequently funny, known as funny, and engaged because you are funny?

  • comedianScore = (rcvdHaha/posts) * (rcvdHaha/reputation) * (rcvdHaha/sumReceived)
  • M1: 12.4% = ( 40 / 43 ) * ( 40 / 109 ) * ( 40 / 110 )
  • M2: 1.1% = ( 660 / 3834 ) * ( 660 / 2650 ) * ( 660 / 2694 )
  • M3: 0.3% = ( 52 / 1300 ) * ( 52 / 188 ) * ( 52 / 200 )

*Balanced on Posts, Reputation, and Overall Engagement

Are you frequently funny, with a strong reputation, and strong engagement?

  • comedianScore = (rcvdHaha/posts) * (reputation/posts) * (sumReceived/posts)
  • M1: 603% = ( 40 / 43 ) * ( 109 / 43 ) * ( 110 / 43 )
  • M2: 8.4% = ( 40 / 3834 ) * ( 2650 / 3834 ) * ( 2694 / 3834 )
  • M1: 0.9% = ( 52 / 1300 ) * ( 188 / 1300 ) * ( 200 / 1300 )


*I like this one with the 'strong engagement' criteria as unnecessary.  

  • Fire 3
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