We’ve covered this before. Pay attention. I’m never mad (especially not over partisan speak on social media) as life is too short to whine and complain all the time. Glass half empty is for those that can’t figure out how to make their glass half full.
if anyones angry on here it’s you.
It’s a trend that’s probably not going to slow down. Most schools aren’t even safe to be in let alone learn. With social media very few don’t have the resources now days. With the way the regulations are being lowered it seems easily doable no matter whom you are.
Look at the big picture just for once. Have you ever been to a VA hospital? I have. It’s government controlled health care and they’re shitholes compared to public hospitals.
But you did pay for it.
https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/schools-cut-honors-classes-to-address-racial-equity-it-isnt-a-quick-fix-77d32e83#:~:text=The theory goes that starting,advanced courses in most states.
Since 2017-2018 homeschooling has increased 51% and private schooling is up $7%. Over 2 million kids now get schooling at home. Improved experience and better leaning environment.
Grading for instance used to be A, B, C, D, F
now it’s Pass or Fail
pass includes A, B, C, D Fail includes F
I can have A results and get the same Grade as someone that got D results. All in the name of making someone feel better.
https://www.highereddive.com/news/nearly-half-of-companies-plan-to-eliminate-bachelors-degree-requirements/702277/#:~:text=Forty-five percent of companies,level roles%2C the survey shows.
There’s a reason why companies are starting to drop the requirement of needing a college degree to get a job. It’s no longer valued as meaning someone is smarter or more qualified the way it once was.
Here’s a good start for you.
Eliminating honors programs, how we grade, the amount of reading and writing required, entrance to college standards, SAT questions, discipline in schools