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  1. He clearly didn't exercise sound judgement as a coach either.
  2. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/nazareth/2013/05/former_nazareth_standout_wrest.html
  3. Sure, it's just a discussion. My point though is i don't consider Metcalf's wins over JB or Mollinaro as wins over NCAA champs. Where as Carter's wins over Nolf, Derringer, Lewis, Griffith, and Keck are undeniable. I would never say Paul Jenn beat a 4x Undefeated NCAA Champ where as I would absolutely say Larry Owings beat a 2x NCAA champ..
  4. Stephen Abas won 3 titles at 118/125. He went 4, 1, 1, ORS, 1. Know you qualified your post with since 2010.
  5. Brandon Slay when 1-17 his first year of wrestling. I guess those 17 kids can say they beat an Olympic Gold Medalist..
  6. Does it really count as "beating an NCAA Champ" if you beat them BEFORE they won their title? IMO I would say no..
  7. Do Levi Haines and Tyler Kasak, 2 big time M2 guys follow Taylor?
  8. Synder's from Maryland
  9. I had a similar feel when watching Gilman's interview prior to his finals match with Lee. You could see he no longer had the fire to win.
  10. David Taylor is my all time favorite wrestler. That being said, Brooks scored, Taylor didn't. He looks stronger and much more dominant in both matches. Taylor did not look sharp at all. Brooks 100% looked like the better wrestler and posts like this diminish his accomplishment. So while you "never want to be one of those guys", you're doing exactly that.
  11. The only reason you think it's dumb is because you're not smart enough to understand it's meaning.
  12. No it's is correct. You wre wrong.
  13. It's a friggin expression. The fact that it's gone completely over your head shows your lack of IQ. Still you are wrong. The battle against father time is not winning a match. It's living your life. Eventually it all ends. No one is undefeated against father time.
  14. Wow youre not very smart. Father time is undefeated. In the end we all will eventually lose or retire. That's what the statement means. Genius.
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