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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. From my experience the only reason to use the USPS is it is cheaper. I never really thought about why it's cheaper. PS-the USPS lost my passport so I go out of my way to not use them if at all possible.
  2. I am in disbelief that people still invest so heavily in crypto. There are still NFL players that get paid in all bitcoin. WHY? If someone can explain it I will shut up.
  3. What exactly is he protesting? What a nut job.
  4. So roughly $106B? The numbers vary across multiple articles. So in your mind is that enough? At what point is it no longer the United State's problem to keep supplying what is historically one of the most corrupt nations in Europe with what they need to fight a never ending war?
  5. The article I read said of the $175B that was sent Zelensky claimed to only have received $75B. However the $175B number is obviously inaccurate. What's the actual number since you are apparently the accountant for Ukraine?
  6. I would agree Trump hasn't done much for Ukraine and there is not a real reason why he should. I would say he could say thank you for accepting access to rare minerals as payback instead of at the bare minimum paying back the $100B that went missing, but Zelensky backed out of that deal. You can draw your own conclusions as to why.
  7. For someone who pretends to be smart you are a dip$hit. Literally less than 2% of all of Trumps businesses have filed bankruptcy and that isn't what this thread is even about but keep on with your BS like always. Your dad's lawyer money obviously wasn't spent on education because you can't even spell embarrass or negotiator.
  8. Trump should have asked him where the missing money is.
  9. I want it publicized so there isn't any more speculation. Hold the pedos accountable regardless of how many are politicians and celebrities.
  10. I don't get why they don't actually release the files? Why is everything a dang circus, especially when it comes to the Epstein files?
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