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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. Any idea if you need a JD to do this job? I am a pro at pestering people for the good of man and could use that type of $$.
  2. If someone on public transportation screams that they are going to kill me and they don't care if they go to prison, I sure as hell am not going to sit around and see if he is bluffing or not.
  3. https://nypost.com/2024/12/09/us-news/person-of-interest-in-fatal-shooting-of-unitedhealthcare-boss-brian-thompson-idd-as-luigi-mangione-an-ex-ivy-league-student/
  4. I recall George Floyd getting a statue and massive riots of people "caring" or maybe they just wanted to loot.
  5. Less than 2% of all his businesses. So yeah keep those stupid MSNBC talking points going @AgaveMaria.
  6. I think claiming American Indian on your state Bar registration is more than claiming ancestry. At least she has since apologized to the Cherokee nation.
  7. Damn. The actual median savings is sad.
  8. Please contact Elizabeth Warren and inform her of her lack of Native American heritage since it isn't but a fraction of acceptable according to your rules.
  9. Calling out hypocrisy isn't whataboutism but ok.
  10. Who does that sound like? It's almost like if you substitute the word political opponent for enemy you would have Merrick Garland. It's ok for him though.
  11. I can't discuss. Trump is such a misogynist, there is no way he is selecting all of these strong women for his cabinet. They must all actually be men disguised as women like Richard Levine.
  12. He is the gold standard of not healthy physically and mentally.
  13. Thanks for your obviously non-biased input like always.
  14. Shall we add Dr. Phil while we are at it? I am not a fan at all.
  15. Not enough to give up ones life unless you are already a basement dweller with nothing else to do.
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