I bet those people spent a fortune. Hopefully the insurance company took the fire resistant material into consideration with reimbursement. I always wonder how reliable the claims are with products like that. What a nightmare.
Hopefully he can finally get them on the right track. They have a lot of the pieces. It doesn't help that they play in one of the best divisions in all of football so their record doesn't always reflect what they are truly capable of in my opinion.
Do you work for Pfizer or Moderna? They are the only ones that are making money off of people getting these shots and a billion boosters until the end of time.
Hamas hides among civilians. So they should just be allowed to continue terrorizing people?
Hamas raped men and women and some of them were already dead. Does that sound like a "real man" to you?
This is where you lost me. Why any time someone is against something, people immediately jump to the race card? It is overplayed and meaningless at this point.
If someone on public transportation screams that they are going to kill me and they don't care if they go to prison, I sure as hell am not going to sit around and see if he is bluffing or not.