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  1. I was trying to remember two other guys and finally found them. Dallas Bailey was a relatively big name out of OK, but the main one I was thinking of was Eric "Mr. Florida" Grajales...
  2. Marsteller was a major one, as I remember. 4-time undefeated out of PA. I still wonder (especially with his later success) how his career may have gone differently not being at OSU. The Alton brothers were big names, as was Metcalf and Nickerson. Close to home for me, and was a BIG deal out of the Missouri wrestling scene at the time, was TJ Hill. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-mar-16-sp-9420-story.html
  3. If you haven't already, I would get a subscription to Flo and watch some of their films. You get a sense of the Brands Bros, Kolat, etc. history and younger years in those specific films (ie. Terry, The Story of Cary Kolat, Mocco, Cormier,etc.).
  4. So Coleman just picked up his family and moved to Stillwater from NC; family is there, they want to lay down roots. I assume he's financially secure from UNC and OSU, Central Oklahoma (the nearest school) already has a solid HC. Kish was recently hired at OU...maybe a 1.5-2hr drive; doubt they plug him there. My guess is he takes over a local HS program (hopefully not Stillwater HS...Ethan was his college teammate and has it down...PS...Ethan was my HS teammate, and I know how fantastic he is, so a little biased here, but I'm not wrong). I pray Coleman doesn't hang it up at the college level.
  5. I wonder if DT will get Hamiti over the hump to finish strong. Man did he look good against MM until the comeback.
  6. 125 - Spratley 133 - Hughes 141 - Jamison 149 - Williams 157 - Travis 165 - Fish 174 - Hamiti 184 - Plott 197 - Carroll/Surber/Merrill 285 - Hendrickson
  7. Good point. And maybe the indication was “come back as AHC and show us you should get the job”. He likely thought the same as I did…”If I’m there and show I can improve the team, they have to hire me, right?”. Still a big gamble. But the DarkEnergy’s point, there may have been other factors for him leaving UNC (ie. Personal reasons).
  8. If he’s not completely crazy, there had to have been. Anybody that would take that gamble with a huge move for their family and a D1 coaching position on the line, without some sort of guarantee, would be nuts. My guess is that OSU had every intention of making Coleman the next HC and made some sort of guarantee. Then, DT didn’t make the Olympic team, so they thought “Hey, we’ll throw the barn at DT and pay off CS to make it all go away and move forward with the only person who can compete with Cael.” Shady af, but I guess business is business. My opinion, anyway…
  9. Gilman, Kennedy, Cox. Penn State killer there…
  10. Touché, at least from me (re: the assumption of a presumptive heir). I went off of the info at the time, but I can admit when I’m wrong. Damn do I feel bad for Coleman, though…
  11. Olympic bronze. World Champ. Gilman might be a goofball, but not sure you’ll find someone better for the lower weights. Also seems like he’s over the IowaStyle brainwash now that he’s matured. Add J’Den Cox to the mix, and Cael is in trouble after a couple of recruiting cycles. I love Mizzou, but I haven’t been this pumped for college wrestling in a long time. Make the team race great again, DT!!
  12. To be honest, I didn’t think there would be a chance of a DT or JB being available when I made that post. I would consider those two to be the exception. And to be fair, I don’t think many people thought that Taylor would not be an Olympian right now, at least when this post was made. i never really troll but can admit that the post I made was a bit trolly. And the reason I made it was because I was frustrated at the clickbait. As someone said, CP loves to talk about wrestling and is considered an expert, so when he posts a video indicating that he has some inside news, when he actually doesn’t, was very frustrating, and what I call clickbait. if we look at the details at the time, Coleman Scott (an Oly bronze medalist) uprooted his family and left a D1 head coaching job (at a program he’s put a lot into building) to take an assistant job. OSU had to have given a pretty strong indication to him that he’d be the next HC, otherwise, he’s much more of a gambler than I’ll ever be. To suggest, at the time, that anyone else (who was available) would be considered seemed asinine, at least to me. At least, if OSU was honest and kept whatever word they gave to Scott. Had DT or JB been available at the time of this video, I wouldn’t have been so bold. So, a combo of frustration with the clickbait and the odds at the time, I think what I said was fair and reasonable. Would it be a sh***y thing for OSU to hire DT if they promised Coleman something? Yes. Should they pass up an opportunity with DT? No. Again, this assumes they promised Scott something. They’ll have to throw some money at him.
  13. The only thing I want to see from the all star meet is KOT vs. Messybrink!
  14. The early passivity point against DT was BS. I never want to be one of those guys, but if we’re being honest, come on. Not sure Brooks took a single shot in the match…it was all counters. Brooks is amazing, don’t get me wrong, and I think he’ll represent the US well. Maybe I’m a homer, because I love God too…but still upset because DT was my guy. Felt like Brooks played defense the entire time.
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