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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. Lil Easton love...Billman Sr. High school year and Freshman PSU year was awesomeness..
  2. Banach bros and Williams bros were pretty amazing...
  3. He wasn't...but he's getting all his paperwork ready for March..that is when Gable's league expands...
  4. Donahoe finals & Escobedo semis.. both were returning champs, i think at the time.
  5. Th beauty of folkstyle wrestling. I think Hendrickson is a better mat wrestler and if he can steal a td and get the match on the mat...it's possible. Also like his chain wrestling ability, in flurry situations. DT and this program seem to fit him perfectly..
  6. Thinking Carr should be viewed as a series threat to be our rep, in this cycle..
  7. It's very bad...
  8. Ye have lil' faith..its possible Hendrickson will find the proper tool sharpener to slay the Dragon..
  9. Definitely has a chance.
  10. I 100% believe that David Carr is world medal material..
  11. When I saw him working the field his Freshmen year at Ironman I knew instantly he was the man.
  12. Sad is the very definition of "it's very hard to beat basic fundamentals"....he seems destined for another gold...
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