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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Watched Saurino v Richards final. Someone tell me where the action is? Lot of bad shots while Saurino has his head buried in the shoulder / collar tie type situation. A series of push outs. Maybe a shot clock thing (the vid I had couldn’t see score board etc). And one lame take down when Saurino was desperate at the end needing points.
  2. I even asked chat gpt. This was the answer. In the United States, folkstyle wrestling is generally considered to be more popular than freestyle wrestling. This is evidenced by the higher attendance numbers at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Wrestling Championship, which features folkstyle wrestling, compared to the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships, which features freestyle wrestling. For example, in 2021, the NCAA Wrestling Championship had an attendance of 16,285 for the finals session, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships had an attendance of 2,500 for the finals session. Similarly, in 2019, the NCAA Wrestling Championship had an attendance of 18,950 for the finals session, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships had an attendance of 1,000 for the finals session. These attendance numbers suggest that more people in the United States are interested in watching folkstyle wrestling than freestyle wrestling. However, it's worth noting that these tournaments cater to different audiences, as the NCAA Wrestling Championship is focused on college wrestling, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships is focused on senior-level freestyle wrestling.
  3. They are all from flo except The one with the words. That one is some dude in minnows group. There were a few that were bigger and the site didn’t want to let me upload. Stands look full all around in this gable vid ? https://fb.watch/keLfAJxb_U/?mibextid=q5o4bk that under hook sumo push-out at the 30ish second mark is awe inspiring btw. Think they left that off the highlight reel. Gonna make folks style so much better.
  4. The style of venue is a cop out. It’s simply not more entertaining than the current folk style product.
  5. All those freestyle style rule change backers. What was the attendance at the open. I’m surprised people didn’t turn out in droves to watch dozens of multi time ncaa champions… the biggest / second biggest domestic tournament in Las Vegas. Vegas is a tough spot to get to right?
  6. That argument simply means you can subjectively make up whatever you want and be right.
  7. So and so was top 10 because of the media’s failure is such a good argument. I guess it’s all subjective after all.
  8. If his family is rich (I have no idea)….. wouldn’t you think not passing up $$& opportunities is exactly how they got and stay rich?
  9. Caveira


    Some folks on minnows fb page are condoning this and saying the other kid should toughen up.
  10. I see mentions from time to time on Facebook referencing this forum as well as the Hawkeye board. I don’t keep track if it’s him directly or his loyal minions…..
  11. 11 inches of parody apparently.
  12. Obviously I have no inside info …. Gable does not seem to have the flamboyant personality for the wwe…. Nor the body type. Maybe they moved on or he realized if he stayed with it he would be a mid level nobody.
  13. Flashing like he’s on girls gone wild lol.
  14. This is sooooo hard to tell. Given the sheer lack of US fans watching or attending freestyle events. when the us open goes down compare ncaa national championship attendance vs the open. A few things. 1) it will not be during March madness. No excuses there. 2) there will be like a ton of ncaa champs…. The most at any tourney based in the us I would bet. 3) it’s for a spot in the final x to compete for an Olympic spot.
  15. Part of this is my complaint. It needs a rule because they added the silly no need to pin rule…. Because trying for a riding time point is “scoring”. How many of the last few rule changes went over well? The sport was fine. Quit tinkering with the rules.
  16. Pretty low class. Surprised Cael allows it tbh.
  17. So I paraphrased somewhat close thx
  18. I thought first part of the exchange could have been a classic quick 2. After yanni adjusted not so much. with that said. I’m paraphrasing and may be slightly wrong. Someone posted a rule in that really long thread stipulating if one of the shoulder blades is not physically touching the mat. Then the defensive wrestler cannot be more than (?) approx 4 inches above the ground or something. I’m not positive on the “4” inches part. as an Iowa fan. Quick two or nothing. I was voting for a quick 2 during the Match lol.
  19. No idea. Just piling on the joke. But they both make up rumors for a living. Pat doesn’t hide it. The pastry tries to back into them. Different personalities.
  20. Minn-a-bon or Min....er....Jimmy has been throwing shade on Facebook already.
  21. Speed is overrated. Didn’t the announcers say rby was the fastest in the ncaa like every single time he wrestled?
  22. He wore that gaudy head band all day through all the post action pics. I’ll bet u this was 100% pre-planned.
  23. There is a post on twitter showing the buffalo coach yelling something as brands and Assad walk by after Assad beat the buffalo kid. Brands seemed to just walk by / around him not answering. If I come across it again I’ll post here
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