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  1. Iowa sure loves its wrestling. I expect OSU attendance to increase exponentially with Taylor in place.
  2. I’m old enough to remember this - it was a time when I truly enjoyed most all sports. “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat “
  3. I don’t recall following that one like this one but it did create some excitement on a daily basis. I’m not happy about the direction of the sport and this thread infused a little excitement, at least for me.
  4. Quite possibly the best thread created in quite some time. 70 plus pages and counting….
  5. Can’t imagine getting so unhinged to the point of leaving the stands to go onto a mat during a live match and shoving the ref to the ground.
  6. Alleged? Oh, ok - I allegedly watched this video, but then again, I could wrong.
  7. This guy deserves a new rank in the forum after making the most sense and by providing a quick exit without the lengthy gibberish provided by others.
  8. Takes a lot of restraint not to participate in such a blatant in your face blue room but a multi page thread totally irrelevant to wrestling sooner or later deserves attention from all until the thread is shut down. TN - do you have that “twang” we hear about in your state? Did you twang to the ref when you got pinned so often back in the day?
  9. And this is relevant to men’s D1 wrestling?
  10. Iowa is no longer what they used to be. They will be competing for less than first place for many many years to come. Perhaps the unhinged angry boyz will retire and allow those more capable of team leadership to lead the team to a former level.
  11. Hey TN, perhaps you should replace wrestling in your Monika with square dancing. TNSquaredancing. There, fixed it for ya lefty.
  12. Only a true clown continues with a hateful political agenda in a WRESTLING forum.
  13. Looks like SCOTUS got this one right this morning. Stick that in your ear self-loathers.
  14. I’ve been “rooting” for wrestlers transitioning from their school career, regardless of where they’re from, to the MMA ever since Diego Sanchez stepped into the ring during the Ultimate Fighter season one in 2005.
  15. Like you know anything about muscles, ha - but I bet you know a whole lot about fat though, huh.
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