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  1. Word it that he was pretty vocal that he was going there at 174 prior to NCAAs.
  2. I am thinking Minnesota at 174
  3. I think the AWA line will be fine. KOT has the inside scoop and I would be shocked if his mentor didn’t know all about the “out of sight” things.
  4. Funny. Smith said earlier in the season that whiting had one loss, in ot. And that’s also how he beat Hawks - not to mention the preparation he had prior to that match. The previous year, Hawks beat both Harman and whiting at the same tournament. He didn’t start right after. but don’t you worry. You have another Wisconsin guy coming. So you probably won’t have to watch hawks wrestle anyways.
  5. I heard the same from the family as well. He was over 185 at big 12s. He’s supposed to be going 74kg for U20 this month.
  6. .
  7. I believe Stoner is working towards being the HWT. I'm pretty sure Boersma is medically retired. There has been some rumbilings of Whiting going 174 next year.
  8. Edmond did go. Gioffre did not - that was Seltzer
  9. I am more a Hawks fan than a Whiting fan - and that has only increased with the behavior this past weekend, which has also exposed some things that were going on the past few weeks that came to light. I would love to see Hawks as the 2024 NCAA champ, but I know that is more than likely not going to be the case. I also would not be surprised to see some back and forth at 184. Smith said as much in his after tourney interview. But then again, he says a lot of things and then changes what he actually does. It’s only the first week and half of each of the 184s match’s have been against each other. A lot can happen between now and March.
  10. Well, looks like as a FAN, you’ll get your wish this weekend. Sounds like WHITING will be starting.
  11. And last year Hawks won in the finals over Harman who started in the next dual. With none of them having rs left, I would say they could interchange any of the three. I would agree nothing is set in stone, and I admit I am biased.
  12. I agree, I think Rocky will stay 197 as well. I also wonder if Sinclair will rs - in the article that just came out on him he plans to go 197 in college. I also think the 184’s will stay at that weight. I know one was talking about going down next year, but with the expectation of KOT moving up, that wouldn’t help him.
  13. He should be at the Tiger Style Invite this weekend. Last year Hawks didn't wrestle at Black & Gold (for a different reason than Whiting's) and he was back at the Invite as well.
  14. He was there walking around and hanging out with everyone. I know the 3 184s all wrestled each over two weeks ago. I would expect him to wrestle at the invite in two weeks. Last year Hawks didn’t wrestle at black n gold and was at the invite.
  15. They are going to try and do FB Live. 157 sounds like it should be the one to watch.
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