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  1. NAIA rules would be away around. Not sure the NCAA would go for that.
  2. Marquette was privately funded as well. The ND situation had to do with NCAA violations that occurred with their wrestling program. The NCAA wanted to use this as an excuse to probe the whole athletic department, particularly one program, the school panicked and dropped wrestling to get the NCAA off their back. Some one closer to the situation might know better than I, but the story was the schools convinced the widow of the man who had endowed the program to sign the money over to the university to be used as the university saw fit. Pretty low down tactics. I was in college when this happened. ND was in the West Region at the time.
  3. No one said always. Kerry McCoy did a pretty good job at Stanford. That was not the case at Maryland.
  4. Cael Sanderson Dan Gable Both considered the best wrestlers of their era.
  5. Mizzou fan here. I'd be happy if Mizzou got a trophy, transfers or not. Time have indeed changed.
  6. i would say Michigan had a good season. That being said, it would appear in this NIL era, Michigan has a strategy of bringing in transfers each year to make their program competitive. As far was getting team trophies, they've got 2 in the past 3 years, this strategy appears to be working. But if they want to contend to with PSU, they will have to start developing their own guys.
  7. What metric are you using to say Illinois has passed Iowa?
  8. LaRussa retired after winning the WS with the Cardinals, albeit prior to 2006 there was some frustration amoungst the fanbase, myself included, with the lack of a WS championship in St. Louis. LaRussa had won one in Oakland. With that being said there was never a serious push to remove him from his manager position. The Cardinals were in contention most years during his time there. It didn't help Belichick that Brady went and won immediately elsewhere. Knight is a good comparison. I know Knight got fired for his behavior and not necessary his coaching, but he was beyond his heyday at Indiana. He was tolerated while Indiana was winning national titles and going to Final Fours.
  9. For the old timers out there, were there people asking this question when Iowa Sate, led by a young Jim Gibbons, defeated Iowa at nationals a few times in the late 80's. Just saying, with only 1.5 separating the teams at nationals. It's a little early to ask the question. However, I think Dresser is a great coach and I'm glad to see this former traditional power having some success. Too bad they only gave out 3 trophies this year.
  10. That wasn't my question? In your opinion, that is why is is under scrutiny. I'm asking if there is a coach in another sport with the coaching credentials that Tom Brands has, that has ever been under similar scrutiny. I said, maybe Saben with Alabama football. I can't think of any others.
  11. I seem to remember people did/do hate Iowa. Some of it, from way back when, was that many of the Iowa wrestlers (the Brands brothers included) seemed to embrace the "heel" role. That, and the many favorable calls, mostly stalling, back in the Gable era. Today, the Iowa guys generally seem like pretty good guys/sports. Not sure where the hate comes from today. Right now Penn State is every bit as dominate as the Hawks were during the 80's and 90's, but very few, maybe one, have taken a "heel" turn (to use pro wrestling terminology).
  12. Is there any other sport where a coach has a team consistently in the top 5 of the country yet is under the scrutiny of Tom Brands? Maybe Alabama football and that's a maybe. Say a basketball coach wins 4 national titles, favored to win a 5th but the tournament is canceled. That same coach goes to countless "Final Fours," would there be a basketball fan base arguing the game has passed this coach by? Or a change needs to be made. Penn State is the best team in the country, and that has been the case for the last 15 years, the next best team during this stretch has been Iowa.
  13. That was certainly a rumor that was out there. Lee would have already been in the final based on his US Open win that year. Gilman would have needed to advance through the qualifying tournament to to match up with Lee in the finals. At that point, in my opinion. Lee is the favorite.
  14. Had Covid not happened, it is was highly likely that Spencer Lee would have won a national title in 2020. There is little debate about that. He was most dominate during the 2019 - 2020 season. It is also likely that it would have been Spenser Lee representing the US in the Olympics in 2020, again had Covid not happened. In 2021, Lee tore a his ACL on his good knee, therefore compromising what he was able to do on the wrestling mat. Ultimately, he had surgery to repair both knees forcing him to sit out nearly all of the 2021 - 2022 season, and some of the 2022 - 2023 season. Anyone that has ever wrestled, can appreciate how difficult it must have been for Lee. As good as he was, it's very difficult to return in that time frame to 100%. The Spencer Lee that wrestled at nationals in 2023, was not the same guy that was dominating his weight in 2020. I don't think many would debate that.
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