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  1. Your topic line certainly says different....... "Trump ruined Session 5"
  2. And yet you started this thread blaming a change of format on political stunts.
  3. The time it took this forum to transition from the end of the season to a political diatribe could be measured with an egg timer. If I am not mistaken, the only times that ESPN showed the President was when he walked in, and when Hendrickson saluted him. Your entire focus of this thread is on those two five-second clips.....out of the 2+ hours of action?!?! Really?? Heck, you spent more time making this post than ESPN spent showing him.
  4. Hey, it happened in the NFL......with the same initials no less. NFL added millions of Taylor Damn Swift viewers by just showing her a few times during the broadcast.
  5. I will go on record stating that I am good with either Henderson or Starocci---as I think most all wrestling people would be. Either selection has merit and that is not to disrespect the accomplishments of the one who would not awarded the honor.
  6. Probably goes to Star, wouldn't you think?
  7. ^^ This ^^
  8. Any doubt what the #1 play tonight on ESPN should be? Na-na-nant.....na-na-nant.......
  9. SHOCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
  10. As I mentioned earlier.........implement the International Challenge Rule, where if you lose the challenge, the opponent is awarded one point.
  11. Not for nothing, but those of us fans who have been around wrestling for more than a minute can appreciate these close matches and the excitement, and fighting off shots and such, But tonight's championship--thus far---will do nothing to draw in new or casual fans who find the lack of scoring boring. My only hope that that ESPN keeps broadcasting the Championship.....but I fear the bottom line ($$$) may cast it to the winds....
  12. Implement the International rule, where if you lose a challenge you give up 1 point.
  13. This match certainly makes up for the previous ones....
  14. And there you have it........
  15. Geez.....turn off the mic on the officials.....it's hugely distracting and difficult to follow. I'm about to mute the broadcast.
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