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  1. Everyone in the ACC at 125 made it then.
  2. Bouzakis did that exact same slam in HS to Kurtis Phipps and was DQd for it.
  3. Who did he lose to this year?
  4. He was in a different region than he lived in too; NE region for Beca vs SE region for CBW (where he lived) and that applied to several state champions on that team - SE region is weaker, but since it has more schools, it gets 1 more qualifier.
  5. Who will be 133 for Penn state then? Howard or Davis with Lillendahl going 125? Also I'd assume Tyler Kasak redshirts
  6. Actually now I think he is wrestling 133 as the post says and not redshirting this year
  7. I heard Noto looking to redshirt this year and be 133 next year. Strickland would still be 133 this year
  8. Yes they are in discussions
  9. I know he's talking to Lock Haven.
  10. I hope he can help that program. They were fun with all the successful guys they had
  11. I heard he did something bad recently at their RTC. Has anyone else heard anything like that? The person who told me heard it from a D1 head coach
  12. Columbia tied Penn last year in the EIWA tournament. Cornell will continue to dominate based on coaching and recruits, but the #2 position isn't nearly as clear.
  13. A lot of people wore singlets for other countries. We're these singlets that belonged to coaches of theirs? Knox had Belarus
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