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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Thought Nolf's (brief) story about his recruitment process was interesting to share. Basically makes it sound like it was a random decision he made after getting fed up with the process. Makes Nolf seem like the Anti-Bassett lol
  2. the secret isn't even a secret. The slumlord and his cronies bribe the denizens of Iowa (or threaten with evictions, when applicable) to support the team
  3. There are multiple errors in the post, I counted 5 after a cursory glance. The most egregious one is 2023. Iowa placed 9th? C'mon, this stuff isn't hard
  4. Betrayals, really? In that case, I betray my fridge everyday by going to the gym
  5. did the individual say whether the bag was for all 3 transfers or only certain ones?
  6. he's been posting weird videos for a minute. There's one on his Instagram where he kisses the camera that an FRL asked the crew to comment on last week but they refused
  7. Haines is the favorite, if he goes. Pains me to say that.
  8. Playing Devil's advocate here but is Blaze going to get much (any) better? Fix didnt...
  9. No. I wouldn't bet on it, but I can see PSU outplacing at 7 weights
  10. The opposite. I think this is a great idea. He can coach and prep for Worlds and show his team how it's done on the biggest stage. I think this can be very motivating and potentially serve as an exercise in bringing the team together. I hope he shows up, wins trials, and beats Sadulaev for the gold at World's to close his competitive career. It's all upside. Book it.
  11. I forgot how disgusting that series of events were
  12. that's a good amount of battery you got there
  13. can you elaborate for an ignorant pilgrim?
  14. Who knows how all of this works and how the payments are dolled out (and hence, what the tax burden might be). There are no documents available and until the involved parties spill the beans all the rumors are just that. I find 500k to be u n b e l i e v a b l e and don't care how much the internet personalities (none of whom are even liked by the brass in IC) bloviate
  15. I know you're being funny but I'll share my concluding thoughts: We went from 50k for Woods a few years ago to now having multiple wrestlers each being offered more than a coach's salary, allegedly. Does that smell right to you? When something sounds too weird to be true, I think there's a good chance that it's not. So when my Dear Good Friend assured me that this whole business about 500k was bologna I felt confident in finally calling it what I thought it was from the start: a sh!t s@ndwich
  16. No, sorry. Didn't mean to confuse. My DGF is the one who says he knows things. Separately, I made the long drive to IC yesterday to watch practice and, hopefully, learn some things and speak to the transfers. I didn't get to speak to any wrestlers and the only things I learned are that Kale Peterson is looking svelte, and Nelson Brands has not skipped on any protein shakes.
  17. Yes to Bob and Bucky. Teemer wasn't at yesterday's morning practice so I couldn't hawk him down.
  18. No. I've only been told that the rumors are overblown. Either the rumors are false or My Dear Good Friend is lying to me I choose to trust my Friend
  19. Revisionist. Woods didn't get anything close to that.
  20. I heard something in the neighborhood of 69,420
  21. You're just going to have to trust me bro. Don't worry, it's a safe bet! I spoke with someone, who I trust deeply, who claims to have spoken with Buchanon
  22. Stop with the $500k. It's not real. Don't really have any disagreement with the rest of your post other than birds online were saying Buchanon was allegedly in the room for several weeks before the transfer was announced.
  23. That "article" doesn't contain any real data. It cites a source that doesn't exist. I see that you are not actually a serious person. Thank you for the entertainment.
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