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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. AND Bey just got bounced (8-0) by the AIN (RUS) wrestler. (What are the chances that the ruskie makes it thru the semis?) D3
  2. Yes... (que the crickets.) D3
  3. GREAT! UWW site is "503 servics Temporarily Unavailable" so I can't see the brackets... AND Roberts (GR 60Kg rep for USA) just lost to the Ukrainian, 11-6. What else could happen next? D3
  4. ... less filling! D3
  5. We'll certainly know a week from today... qualifying the weight is tough business, but the USA FS team should qualify all their weights for the Olympics... pretty much all the time. (Just wish the Olympic committee just cave in and have ALL the weights included. Nagonnahappenthough... but we all wish it would! ) D3
  6. Interesting indeed... I did a quick search on YouTube as well. Nada. ??? D3
  7. Well, the action is winding down... I'll take my leave, now. tootles. D3
  8. Final...7-4 Gwiz. D3
  9. Gwiz just flew past Bradley, it's now 7-4 over the Ancient One. D3
  10. But wait... we're not done yet! D3
  11. Wow... Dom "the Ancient One" Bradley is up on Gwiz 4-1 in their true 2nd place match... D3
  12. Oh, you clever one! D3
  13. I am too, oh Killa of Thread. D3
  14. ... now he MEANS it. D3
  15. Looks like there's a winna between the two yutes on Mat 3... Blaze takes it. D3
  16. Lee & Retherford will have to get it done to qualify 57 & 65 for Paris. Pray hard... D3
  17. Meanwhile... Ellis Coleman won the 2nd bout over Alejandro Sancho. Who could forget this move from EC... D3
  18. Okay, here we go... D3
  19. Gilman simply doesn't have an answer to Spencer Lee... D3
  20. Wow... I step away from the keyboard and I find Brooks takes down Taylor in the first bout. Holey batstars, batman! D3
  21. It is a sad state of affairs. D3
  22. Okaaaayyy... so when I see you two brawlin' on the same topic thread, I'll head for the next vacant topic. D3
  23. No... only 87 & 97 so far. D3
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