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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. Zain is the last match of rnd of 16 on Mat A. Blades on Mat B is the 4th match in. Snyder om Mat C is the 4th match in. D3
  2. There we go... blog is up & order of Mat assignments is in view. D3
  3. The blog is a late in coming up on the UWW website... D3
  4. agree... hotly contested match. D3
  5. Dhesi strucked by Pinfallery... challenge LOST!!! D3
  6. Dhesi went flying on Mat C... challenge follows. D3
  7. Zain paired w/ the Iranian(2ndseed) right out of the blocks is certainly a daunting task for sure... not to mention Musukaev in his half as well. He's got his work cut out for him this morning! THIS IS NOT A DRILL... repeat, THIS IS NOT A DRILL. D3
  8. IMHO... his wrestling announcer IQ is off the charts. Really good to listen to what he says about the wrestler going at each other, and what each is doing to get into there match. Keep at it Jordan! D3
  10. Unless they cover it in chocolate syrup... it will smell sweet! D3
  11. tanxs! D3
  12. OR D3
  13. The medalist biting their medals... WHY EVEN DO IT? And They do it, EVERY TIME! It IS such a cliché... you at home could do a drinking game for this! (Take a shot for every medalist that bites their medals.) I'll even do a poll... please take your time and make your choice. Cheers! D3
  14. Sacre bleu! Mon dieu! Lucki Pierre! Stinky cheese! (your choice phrase here... ) D3
  15. Bronze to Helen. Three Olympics medals... Olympic champion. Quiet a resume. D3
  17. Maroulis will be the first up for the 57Kg medal bouts... D3
  18. Okay... time for the gratuitous outrage gif: D3
  19. Not yet... soon. D3
  20. Bulgaria has two golds in wrestling... been quite a long time since that happened, ever? D3
  21. You kinda of wish this didn't go the way it did... but, oh well. D3
  22. ... the wrestling gods are cruel. D3
  23. Not happy Myles... not happy, happy Miles. D3
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