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D3 for LU

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D3 for LU last won the day on December 22 2024

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Big Brain

Big Brain (14/14)

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  1. Gad... Brock Lesnar! ... but hey, wasn't he in that movie 300 ? D3
  2. gimp got yours truly covered w/Colin K. D3
  3. Aye, Laddie... That's the ticket! D3
  4. For those who are scratching their heads over Coeur d'Alene... https://coeurdalene.org/ D3
  5. The answer... is yes. (to both.) D3
  6. I watched the finals last nite on the ol' telly. As far as watch-ability goes, I found my self DOZING several times (w/my cat on my lap, doing the same.) Thank gawd I woke up for the 285 final... you couldn't scripted a better setting(AND ending) for these NCAA's. The NCAA wrestling season may be done, but we do have the international season to look forward to watch. All Hail the champions... and start the countdown to next season! D3
  7. "I got this coach, I know what I'm doing. I choose down." D3
  8. WOO-HOO! 5th PLACE! OWEN TREPHAN gets his hand raised for a MED FORF. (LEHIGH needed that... sheesh! ) That put the B&W season in the books. D3
  9. McGonagle just got decked by Davis (damn those nits!) D3
  10. Damn! Seymour may have gain AA status w/ his QF win... but that semi-slide into 6th was... tough to watch. D3
  11. Trephan lost 4-3... off to the 5/6 bout he goes. D3
  12. Trumble takes down...down 3-1 but has RT Owen has to buck up here. D3
  13. Trumble is riding out Trephan D3
  14. Trepham & Trumble on Mat2... Trephan leads 3-1 after 1 and he takes down to start the 2nd D3
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