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D3 for LU

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D3 for LU last won the day on November 10

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Big Brain

Big Brain (14/14)

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  1. Strange... I'm looking at it as plain as day, myself. Both my post AND your reply above. (Try a different browser?) D3
  2. Well... ... I certainly hope that the OSU cafeteria will include Yakisoba into the menu when he comes to Stillwater. (Nothing like home cookin', I say... ) D3
  3. I was that senior stud in my day... beat a future NJSIAA state runner-up, I did. (ps He was a freshman at the time, though. Still developing... ) D3
  4. Pardon my having fun here... your forum name, if I'm guessing correctly, describe you as a .500 wrestler in your past wrestling days, yes? I was above average and good looking on the Lake Wobegone HS wrestling team... D3
  5. 500 wrestler(s?)... is that supposed to be like: SPARTANS ? D3
  6. With the results coming in so far this season (esp. after the Va. Tech dual,) wadayathink? D3
  7. Well... okay then. A Very Merry X-Mas to all of you juvenile delinquents out there! Signed... an old juvenile delinquent. D3
  8. Eggsactly! D3
  9. Goodnite, everybody! D3
  10. End of match fall... Cowboys rule tonite. (... and Va.Tech isn't chopped liver, either!) D3
  11. The look on Smith's face when the TD was signaled... "$h!t"... was that look. D3
  12. Into SV... D3
  13. Tight leg ride by Surber... but Smith gets the E. D3
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