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  1. It means you are a racist asshole because you are fixated on it. We get it, you want a white male aryan workforce. You might very well get one.
  2. You know what we call people who defend nazis? nazis And many of you have firmly established yourselves at straight up bigots. I am talking to mspart, you are a bigot. paul158 you are a bigot. husker du, you are a bigot.
  3. Enjoy oligarchy you idiots.
  4. We are indeed not all on the same side. And I am not proud of this country.
  5. No need to read the whole report, nothing will come of it.
  6. Do they have an impact on deciding score?
  7. Nah, he pushed his luck enough.
  8. Sovereign nation.
  9. No. Jan 6, 2021 was a modern day Beer Hall Putsch. It was a riot incited by an outgoing President that refused to accept the outcome of an election. Full stop.
  10. Having ID when voting isn't the issue. It is coming to agreement which forms of ID are accepted. Why is tribal ID rejected? Why are student IDs ejected?
  11. Greenland isn't for sale or open for any other acquisition. Sure, trump could launch a hostile takeover which probably would violate any number of treaties.
  12. Magas are an insufferable group. It isn't enough to win, they have to rub your face in it. Congratulations. Biden did a good job leading through some dark times. Now we have chaos to look forward. Lean in, embrace the entropy, and in a few generations the damage might be repaired, but not in my lifetime.
  13. What mental acuity?
  14. What is the argument? That crash test dummies shouldn't reflect women's bodies?
  15. No, I have no desire to start at the top of the thread. It is easier to ask. My question was answered. And now I have moved on. Carry on.
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