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Idaho last won the day on January 18

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  1. Ethan Stiles not in the rankings due to the 8 match requirement... any others?
  2. Thread Thievery is a serious offense.
  3. Coaches ranking just came out: https://nwcaonline.com/documents/2025/2/13/2nd_Coaches_Rank.pdf
  4. Little this weekend if he shows... He could end up facing Munoz and Little at the Pac-12 depending on how everything shakes out.
  5. This is the real and original thread...
  6. I'm going with Askey by Injury Def over Teemer
  7. Thanks- I knew someone would have that criteria.
  8. Clarification for. you guys Didn't want to start a new thread....second coaches ranking is tomorrow. In order to be in the ranking in the first one in January, you had to have 8 D1 matches at the weight and wrestle in the last 30 days. Does that 8 number increase this week or at the end of the season? I was thinking the end of season final rankings before at-large selection was 15 matches. I think you need 15 for the coaches ranking and the RPI for the total "tally" for the at-large bids at the NCAA - is that correct? Not to say you can't get in, but those are two of the criteria. Do I have that correct? The reason I ask is that , there are some guys who may need tourneys here at the end. Is Dresser busy?
  9. I don't really consider teenagers younger ages, but okay. My experience in coaching wrestling has been that middle school is where it starts to get tough with the singlet issue...that and, "I don't like people touching me all over." Dude, your 6' 220 in 8th grade, you destroy people in football, but you're going to play basketball instead of punish people because of a singlet and not wanting "to be touched." ????
  10. No, they said it would help participation at the high school level. Little kids didn't and don't care about a singlet, a two piece, shorts or a t-shirt. They found declining numbers began in MS and mainly at the high school level and tried the two piece. The. NFHSSA created the option in 2017 - 8 years ago. College wrestling may not have been the target, but they were certainly used to try to mainstream the two piece. I agree that it didn't hurt participation, but it also has not been the factor that has increased participation. When it was introduced participation increased very slightly, then dropped off in 21-22 due to the pandemic. The biggest jump in HS participation in both boys and girls happened from 22-23 to 23-24. If you read a lot of the articles on participation increasing, it is due to girls wrestling (and football), parents wanting their kids active again after the pandemic, the increased focus on promoting the sport (Let's wrestle, Wrestle Like a Girl, etc.), and the increased work of youth and HS coaches to promote the sport. The two-piece singlet didn't hurt participation, but it was not the driving factor in increasing participation either. It really has been a non factor and just provided an option for some kids who want it. https://www.vice.com/en/article/good-riddance-to-the-wrestling-singlet/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/268028/participation-in-us-high-school-wrestling/ https://www.themat.com/news/2024/august/20/nfhs-high-school-sports-participation-boys-and-girls-wrestling-make-big-gains-in-2023-24
  11. Angel used to be a staple in Pac12 wrestling... I am glad he is now being shared with the rest of the country, especially the Big10.
  12. Both are true... he had a hard time getting to 165...he looked out of shape out there at 174. The Big 12 bracket initially had Rogers in it as the #3 seed then got redrawn with Smith as the #8. Of course he was going to get the wrestle off because it's family, but having Rogers there all season, earning the allocation would have been the best move, especially in hindsight. Another storyline was that Rogers bumped up to 174 in the Iowa dual at the end of the season and got a pin, but he wasn't given the opportunity to bump up against Jacobe to earn the 174 spot the same that Joe was able to move down and challenge.
  13. Make them wrestle it off - best 15 out of 29.
  14. Very cool story about Carter and Jordan. It was not a bad move for Taylor.... it ended up being a win win for everyone involved. That's what you want to see happen.
  15. @SetonHallPirate is this you?
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