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Idaho last won the day on May 24

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  1. https://sports.yahoo.com/nba-docks-two-draft-picks-from-76-ers-for-free-agency-tampering-violations-200429652-200429233.html#:~:text=The NBA has docked the,of free agency last offseason.
  2. Yep, the whole 3rd party thing directed by coaches, but not technically making the contact. In no pro sport does this happen without penalty - tampering. I agree - kids are getting calls all the time from a "3rd party".
  3. They can't even do that in professional sports - it's called tampering and teams have gotten fined a lot of money and draft picks for it. For every team thinking this is fine (Iowa in this case I am sure), remember that it always comes back on. you. "Ben Keuter.... Cael Sanderson on line 1."
  4. Maybe it was Bob... wait, he doesn't post anonymously as we know.
  5. Haha - no problem - I take victories when I can - your math skills were spot on - with an 8500 dual and only 2 it does makes the average go up - I get that - but it's also not the same to take their lowest and then place that as their average. If it were a "normal" dual year - say 6 duals - it probably would have averaged out around 2600-ish per dual - which would have been around 13-14. If they would have added the Little Rock dual that was off-site it probably would have been around 4k. As a side note- without Iowa coming to town, Cal Baptist would have been sunk...200+ per dual - ouch.
  6. So you point out how two meets helps their ranking, but then use the lowest attended match to rank them 17th for average....okay. How about we rank based on highest attended match of the season? Hmmm...looks like the 5th highest attended match of the season.
  7. Yep... total credit for them coming out to the West - as I have said many times on the board - classy program as they do that each year for teams.... It was also no easy task to get 2k to Corvallis for Cal Poly on a Friday night at 6pm. We actually had a 3rd dual with Little Rock, but it was tagged on to the big HS Resers Tournament of Champions.
  8. Attendance numbers are out.... credit to @CraigOR. With only 2 dates, Oregon State comes in at #5. https://www.nationalwrestlingmedia.com/2024/07/hawkeyes-tops-again-in-division-i-mens-wrestling-home-attendance/?utm_source=Wrestling+News&utm_campaign=30b606514f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_09_28_09_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_44607e8210-30b606514f-245315221&mc_cid=30b606514f&mc_eid=5fd7e01e6d
  9. Every year the portal thread will be a long thread filled with thrill of victory...and the agony of defeat.
  10. Looks like Robineau might be flipping from Minnesota to ok state.
  11. To answer the OP...I think 120 is the best weight to recruit for 125 if you want a guy there for a few years. It gives them a year to lift, get their diet regulated and most guys will naturally grow a little anyway. There are some 126 that dont' cut any weight in high school unless it's a big tourney like Ironman, Fargo, etc. then you see them down at 120 or in some cases even 113. Spratley and Volk were 126 guys coming out of HS who didn't cut. When it's all said and done, I think it depends on if a kid has quit growing, body structure and also what kind of lifting/dieting they have already been doing.
  12. There are those that believe we should have 118 for the same reasons - seniors who are wrestling 106-120 (i.e. Ayden Smith).
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