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Idaho last won the day on March 6

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  1. He wrestled 4 years straight w/o a redshirt, with one of them being the free year in 2021 - so 3 years of eligibility. He had a redshirt and an Olympic redshirt available to him. He came back after those two years for his 4th year of eligibility and a total of 5 with the free year in 2021. Hamiti's first year was 2022 after the free year...he never redshirted... he's wrestled 4 years. Brennan took a medical shirt ( or so he thought) in 2021, the year it was a free year to wrestle. That's the difference for Brennan.
  2. Nope, they were too busy with the gambling scandal?
  3. I don't think that a wrestling correspondent that talked directly to 5 coaches who saw directly what happened, then reported what he was told from those coaches is the same as "somebody saying they heard someone say something. at t" But like I said, you can believe those 5 coaches and Dresser are lying and there was no controversy. At the end of the day they wrestled and you got what you wanted for your boys. Right?
  4. I would consider a wrestling correspondent that actually talked directly to 5 coaches who were there at weigh ins and Dresser who coaches there to carry more weight than "hearsay" You can believe that everyone is lying if you would like.
  5. I guess if you don't consider talking to 5 coaches who were in the weigh in room as a good source.
  6. Top 20 in their 5th year with a couple AA is irrelevant?
  7. Same question I had... if he was ineligible for the NCAA he was ineligible all season. OSU lost by 4 points to LR at the Pac12.
  8. Dresser : "“I’m just disappointed. You know, nobody wants anybody to sit out. But if this was the NCAA Tournament there would have been two or three wrestlers that would not have wrestled,” Dresser said. “Because the NCAA wouldn’t have put up with the hooey that went on this morning.“There’s policies and there’s procedures that you follow. So I hope all those guys learn, because they got a freebie today. Because if they pull that in Philadelphia, they’ll be watching. Just the fact that they were eliminated then they were put back in, I could go on and on.” Rock Harrison - who says he talked to 5 coaches who were there.... Rock Harrison @rockreax Mar 8 Little controversy at @Big12Conference championship. I was informed that two wrestlers were not in line skin check with credentials at 7:45 and still working out. Big 12 head official was speaking with NCAA coordinator of officials to ensure the proper protocol is implemented. Also from Rock Harrison: Regarding the @Big12Conference weigh-in controversy, I was not in the weigh-in area at the time of the issue in question. I did speak with five coaches who were. Below are rules 9.2 15 and 3.22.1.b from the rulebook, and you can draw your conclusion(s).
  9. Its' been sitting there in Wrestlestat the whole year....waiting for someone to find it.
  10. Does having to fill out a waiver for review imply that he does not have eligibility? Otherwise wouldn't the NCAA already know whether he is eligible and was granted a med shirt year for 2021?
  11. What are you really trying to say? This didn't happen?
  12. They were late to skin check and weigh in because they were still cutting....then they were allowed to wrestled. So they were given extra time to make weight while everyone else was in line. Correct?
  13. Dresser also said they were "eliminated and then put back" then later says that they haven't been told anything. He also speaks of the backroom meeting that took place.
  14. Yeah, in the Dresser interview he had not been informed why the decision changed. He also talked about how they were not in the weigh in line because they were still losing weight. Justin Basch also reported a lot of info on it and had reported initially that they were DQ and out of the tournament. Rock Harrison also reported that they had missed their skin checks. I haven't seen any comments from Schwab yet or know if he said anything since it would have affected his team the most.
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