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  1. no 2nd favorite team. just 1st team and then other favorite wrestlers. in the tourney i agree with ragu that i pull for all upsets
  2. starocci does so little that mcennely falls asleep. 1-0 starocci.
  3. i haven't heard of brooks before. he's probably just average.
  4. i dont think its a big enough of a problem to require being addressed. what annoys me more is 1. when people just push the other wrestlers out of bounds to try to draw stall calls with no intent on offensive action 2. when bottom wrestlers get called for stalling when the top wrestler has legs or is parallel riding and obviously not going for a turn
  5. keck can beat stallrocci if keck doesnt play it slow and cautious. go full throttle offense. everyone always wrestles starocci scared/slow
  6. im suprised stallrocci didn't send out a sick tweet after his match
  7. you guys must be bored. why are we even talking about psu. they're not even that good.
  8. ferrari is gonna crush him at nationals
  9. ducking doesnt mean you were afraid of the opponent or that you think you'd lose the match. it just means you skipped the match even tho you weren't hurt/sick. i would be curious to see the match count for the psu #1 ranked wrestlers. b/c over the past few years it does seem like they're just wrestling the minimum for qualification. also, gable beats kerk
  10. remember the previous guy Foley? he was awful.
  11. Blaze and the monster machines to PSU?
  12. its the wild west now. psu spends a ton on getting all the best kids. osu can do it too. perhaps they could install a salary cap
  13. last year blew my mind why all 3 opponents wrestled so timidly against starocci. they should have pushed the pace more
  14. football stadium still feels like a bad idea. feels like the people with farther seats won't be able to see anything
  15. its all AI videos. he's not actually that good.
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