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Everything posted by PotentiallyDan

  1. A pastry chef and a financial advisor, a man of many talents
  2. Cliff notes for those of us banned long ago?
  3. Do we know what the extent of the knee injury was/is? Is Wyatt now healthy? I do believe at 100% he has greater than a snowflakes chance in hell of beating Kerk.
  4. I currently live in Nebraska and have only been REALLY following the sport for about 7 years now, who are some of the best historically?
  5. Meyer Shapiro has that certain look to him and is entering a pretty open middleweight landscape at the moment. Add in the fact that Robb is almost certainly out this season and 149/157 could be had by an elite freshman.
  6. I just cancelled a cheap ($320 for 3 nights) VRBO house within walking distance to the arena if anyone needs a cheap place to stay close.
  7. Edmond Ruth of Illinois is on my radar.
  8. You weigh the risk vs the reward and try to delicately manage it. Coach Smith did a fine job the first year with Ford Focus, most college wrestling fans didn't even know who he was until the Championships when he had the bizarre interview. Year 2 is when JS had his work cut out and it appears from afar, he was not up to the task, but he unquestionably did a great job year 1 and Focus happened to break the longest individual champion streak in Oklahoma State history. This is more a function of Farrari being an egotistical POS whose head swelled too fast following his year 1 success, and I suspect it was multiplied by the current age of social media + NIL bootlickers. John Smith has done enough good to not be taken down by a narcissist like Ford Focus.
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