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  1. Won in 2002---$1,000 which bought me an engagement ring---my wife loves that story of fantasy wrestling proposals........
  2. Most of Cornell's premier duals are held in Newman arena next door which seats about 4,500--they have gotten crowds close to capacity for duals in the past.
  3. Not sure I would call Cornell a small wrestling school. Very true for the likes of current non conference scheduling of Drexel, and Wyoming (small for wrestling). PSU often wrestles Lehigh in a non-conference dual as Cornell is a step above Lehigh in terms of tradition. Is there a beef between Cael and Cornell as they last wrestled in 2008 before Cael arrived?
  4. Cornell has a great fan base, and is a consistent top 10 team challenging for a trophy almost every year. There would be several ranked matches each time they wrestle so I don't see the downside for scheduling a top opponent a short bus ride away. It seems that there must be a distinctive reason as I can't name another two schools in the top 10 who are within 200 miles of each other and basically never wrestle.
  5. It seems Penn State and Cornell have not wrestled each other in a regular season home dual since 2008....when two of the top teams in the country are just 3 hrs apart..... why no duals in the Cael era?---while Cornell would not have much of a shot in most years....the competition would be great for the fans.... https://cornellbigred.com/sports/wrestling/opponent-history/penn-state-university/23
  6. I suspect he is thinking that another World Championship would be a nice way to go out, and lock up his recruiting classes for the next couple of years. Remember Cael came out of retirement in 2011 after losing a bet to motivate his team---and John smith won the 92 Olympics as the OSU head coach and then an NCAA team title 2 years later. DT was at PSU when Cael came out of retirement.......Lots of street cred if he ends up winning and medaling again. With a bye to the finals, not sure there is a downside for OSU unless he gets blown out. https://www.flowrestling.org/people/5934080-cael-sanderson/video?playing=12648947
  7. Who is "Carl" Sanderson.......
  8. Given Dake's comments after the Olympics, would he give it another 4 years if he could wrestle 79kgs instead? Wonder who else would go another cycle with a 3-5kg allowance?
  9. It might be controversial but would fans be in favor of 12-15 weights if it meant only one style (ie freestyle). For instance in the growing field of women's wrestling, I don't think we will ever add women's greco?
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