Here's a pretty good non-biased explanation (in italics) that I stumbled on in Reddit regarding the Mormon Christian question:
Is Mormonism Christian? Why or why not?
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have considered themselves Christian since the founding of the modern church in 1830, but many critics in other religious communities have claimed they are not. This question is directed to anyone within or without Christianity and their perspectives to what it means to be a follower of Christ.
As for the pro-Christian arguments: Mormons believe in and worship the biblical Christ, that he is the literal son of God, and shares in the Father's power and glory. They hold that the bible is the word of God as far as it has been translated correctly. They believe to have the restored gospel of Christ in its uncorrupted state, and that the church is the same organization that Christ himself established. They claim Jesus to be their personal and universal savior, that he died to fullfill the atonement of sin for the salvation and eternal life of man.
Counter arguments include Mormons rejecting the trinity, believing instead that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate beings and are one in purpose. They also deny the authority of the Nicene Creed, and all subsequent Christian doctrine as apostasy. Along with the Bible, Mormons have three other books they hold as scripture: The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants which some deem as blasphemous. Finally, they believe there to be living prophets that lead and guide the church via direct revelation from God, while mainstream Christians hold that the time of the prophets are over.
So what do you think? Is claiming and worshipping Christ enough to be considered Christians, or are there boxes that need to be checked to meet that qualification?
It seems pretty clear to me that the answer to this question is it depends on who you ask. Those within and without mainstream Christianity who interpret the question based on the simple Webster's dictionary definition that a Christian is "one who professes belief in Jesus Christ" would consider Mormons to be Christian. However, other mainstream Christian's employ a more rigorous definition and believe that the differences they see in Mormon beliefs from that of their own disqualify Mormons from being considered Christians. Mormons themselves obviously consider themselves to be Christian (as reflected by the official name of their church, which includes Christ's name).