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Everything posted by LIV4GOD

  1. I watched it twice. The injury must happen like twenty seconds before. It's before he comes back to center. I could not see anything go the wrong way, or twist funny, or even pressured. Whatever he did, he did it to himself. Wouldn't surprise me if he comes back strong to nationals like Star or Nolf.
  2. If anything, please adopt the step out rule for college.
  3. I was young, but I think I remember 25 pins in a row in college. It was the level of domination that was other worldly.
  4. No, I'm not conflating anything. Credible historians have also argued the opposite, that is, atheism is the direct cause.
  5. Correct. But allowing suffering in the world does not make His ethics inferior, but superior. It HAS to be this way.
  6. I actually forgot to mention I was referencing in Carver Hawkeye.
  7. It will be Iowa's worst defeat in its history.
  8. When one already has every available fact and an infinite mind that is not stuck in linear time, there is no reason for a new set.
  9. I would argue far more have been harmed by its absence or removal. Exhibit A: 20th century communism's ravaging and butchering of hundreds of millions in the USSR and China alone.
  10. It can already be perfect as in flawless, but then can be completed for another task. This is exactly what God. He became flesh, thus, became the necessary sacrifice for mankind. Hebrews 5:9 - 9And having been made perfect (Gk. telios = complete), He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, (NASB) Sometimes, people unfortunately are unfortunately exposed to "straw men" concerning God.
  11. Incorrect. It's not a matter of Him not having the power to do so. It's His choice to not. That's a silly as saying by definition God is not omnipotent because He can't be evil.
  12. He can't use His power unjustly.
  13. He didn't come out the same on the other end. His entity was altered forever. For the Creator to put Himself in that place of sacrifice and all it entailed is a sacrifice infinitely beyond any of us.
  14. Why? It's His universe. An infinite mind with every possible fact came to the ultimate conclusion. He deemed the need for justification so important He made no exception for Himself. He created us, and then deemed it right to make our redemption possible that it necessitated the sacrifice of Himself in order to make payment for that justification. Seems pretty noble.
  15. I'm an Iowa fan. What is there to not personally like about Brooks?
  16. I know it's not a hand touch situation. Haines did have reaction time, and that reaction yielded zero loss of control by Robb. He had him dead to rights. And you need to look at more video, because other angles show exactly what is going on as his feet left the cylinder. Good grief, he picks his guy up, not at the legs but all the way up on his mid body, puts him flat to hit butt and back, doesn't lose any control as times runs out, and the guy gets zero points for it. He had control of him like a rag doll. It's wrong.
  17. Are you telling me that if he had him by the knees and he fell back on his butt with 2 seconds left, and never lost the legs, it wouldn't be 2?
  18. Rob had control while he was still in the cylinder. Never lost it.
  19. And this lock around the waist is superior to being locked around the legs, as far as control. And he proves it by throwing him to his back/butt. It's so much control it would be awesome if it folkstyle awarded more points for this throw, but, alas, it doesn't. And he even keeps control as they go out of bounds. as far as folkstyle is concerned. Bad call.
  20. He never lost control. If you get behind someone and one of their hands just touches, it's a TD. If he had the legs and the guy landed on his butt, it's instantly a TD. He actually threw him in a more control positioned (the waist) and he landed on his butt/back. He never lost control as they continued out of bounds. If that's not two, then it's bad for the sport.
  21. He had control and never lost it.
  22. He never lost control. Threw him to his back and never let go.
  23. Jimmy is absolutely right. Robb never left the cylinder. Terrible call.
  24. I can't see how it would destroy the sport. There's plenty of action in Freestyle because of it, and a lot happens on the edge. Someone is going to score if they go out while on their feet. Nope, not in folkstyle. People use the edge constantly to avoid being scored upon. I used to have 8 guys that would go with me to nationals. That's about half now. I'm not joking when I say a significant factor was going out of bounds to avoid wrestling. As one guy said, "I came to watch some action . . . not constant walking back to the center for restarts."
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