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Everything posted by BAC

  1. I agree on the first part, with different take on the second part. On the first point, there's just too many swimming events IMO, which leads to over-coverage. You couldn't pay me to go watch a swim meet, and I literally don't know a single person who voluntarily went to a swim meet. Yet swimming seems to occupy about 40% of NBC's time. Why? Yes, we do well in swimming, which partially explains the coverage. But we do well in other sports too and I don't see them getting coverage. I honestly think the explanation lies in the fact that the same person can pile up medals by competing in multiple highly-similar events. That drives the media coverage of them being the "most decorated" Olympians, and claims of them being the "best Olympians ever," when in fact it is mostly driven by the number of events they're given. Someone who wins the 50m backstroke is probably a good bet to win the 100m backstroke, and maybe the 200m too. Someone who wins the 200m backstroke will be a good bet for the 200m IM too. If I were to analogize it to wrestling, I'd say it's like having 3 different freestyle medal events: a 3 minute match, a 6 minute match, and a 9 minute match. Or, alternatively, having different weight classes that are just 2kg apart, and allowing the same wrestler to compete for more than one weight class. If wrestling had that, we'd have lots of wrestlers with stacks of gold medals. But I don't favor those solutions, because it would be ridiculous -- it's the same event with a modest difference. I'd rather see the number of swimming events slimmed down for the Olympics. Instead of the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500 in a given stroke, I'd pare it down to 100, 400, and 1500. If they want to keep the other distances for the swimming world championships, go for it. Having all those events (and therefore all those medals) takes the spotlight off of some amazing sports (not just wrestling) and artificially shines it on swimming. Just as I don't favor separate medals for slight differences in match duration, or for tiny weight variations, I don't see how you can do it for best skill. It isn't like gymnastics where you could separate it out as its own event (e.g. vault vs all-around). You could have a guy get teched in his first match but still get a gold because he had a nice double before getting streamrolled. But if we really wanted to go the multiple medal route, imagine for a moment that the Olympics had freestyle, greco and beach wrestling -- and each country was required to send only a single competitor for each weight. That single competitor would then have a chance to win up to 3 golds. I'm not saying I would implement that idea, or that I even like it (I don't) but just saying it might drive up the focus on wrestling by creating opportunities to have multi-medal athletes. My own preference is to just kill a few swimming events and use those athletic opportunities to add the missing weight classes back into Olympic wrestling.
  2. Bassett is a hammer. The thing Bassett I see is he may need to physically develop more to be in the hunt for a D1 title. You can see it in his match against Santaniello at the Clarion Open (a win, but got pancaked twice), and against Kolodzik at Last Chance (got moved around easily). I won't mention the Zepeda match as that was a big size difference, but right now I can see the top D1 guys controlling positions and wearing him down. He's probably already good enough to AA (see Ashnault win, despite being freestyle). And I actually like the fact that he's seemingly put off weight training to focus on technique, and is consistently testing himself against bigger guys. He's years away from having to endure a D1 grind so there's plenty of time for that to develop. But if he doesn't physically develop much beyond where he is now, I can see that being an obstacle his first couple years.
  3. Shoot, I thought you were going to say she got a synchronized swimming scholarship. Lax and Volleyball are legit. Women's wrestling's participation numbers are way behind volleyball and only about half of lacrosse's. Your kid must be a heck of an athlete to get a lax scholarship without having played before.
  4. I don't think Coleman's roots run deep enough at tOSU for him to be much involved in recruiting. I'm thinking Coleman is biding his time at the RTC until another top head coaching position opens up. I'm sure tOSU knows that too, it's RTC only. It isn't like he's threatening the post-Ryan pecking order. But I have no doubt he's going to do excellent work while he's there. Guys like Mendez should benefit a ton.
  5. Yes, letters (a)-(c) are the 3 alternative compliance prongs. I agree with you that, as worded, they are on equal footing. But I suspect that if you spoke with someone in the compliance branch of the Dept. of Education's Office of Civil Rights, they'd tell you that proportionality (1(a)) is the real goal, and you're just buying time if you're reliant on prong (b) or (c). That's the consistent complaint of ADs over the years and that's been my experience having litigated in this area. That's why I worded it as I did ("out of compliance in proportionality terms" and avoiding lawsuits via the interests/abilities prong). If tOSU is now compliant with the proportionality prong (50-50, you say), that does pose an obstacle to adding a new women's team, since they're playing a zero sum game. Probably the easiest fix is to ease the roster caps they no doubt have on some of the men's teams. But if they claim they lack the funds, I wouldn't shed many tears if they dumped one of those women's sports teams to make room for wrestling. I'm not usually a fan of cannibalizing, but let's face it, some of those teams exist solely for Title IX compliance purposes. As of 2022-23, women's wrestling had twice more high school participants than did women's synchronized swimming, rowing, fencing, ice hockey and gymnastics, combined. (See https://www.nfhs.org/media/7212351/2022-23_participation_survey.pdf). Some I'd genuinely hate to see go (e.g. gymnastics) but some of the others... come on. Club sports at best. Maybe tOSU (and other B1G/Power 5 schools) should try actually servicing the needs and wants of their applicants and students, rather than just cynically creating fake scholarship opportunities for sports that barely exist at the high school level to stay out of court.
  6. *facepalm* See, that's what I'm talking about. All these fake sports that colleges have been forced to create out of nothing to avoid getting sued, but then a REAL sport with REAL interest comes along, and they do nothing.
  7. Just remember that Title IX compliance isn't measured by the number of teams, but by the total number of participants in athletics university-wide. In theory, a school could have only one men's team -- say, a football team with 150 participants -- and 5 women's teams with 25 participants in each -- and still get sued for discrimination against women (150 total participants vs 125). One defense against that (under Title IX's 3-prong regulatory standard) is to show that, despite the imbalance, they've fully accommodated female athletic interest. That used to be pretty easy to do, since women are, on average, less interested in athletics than men, and once you have a critical mass of women's teams it becomes hard to show there's sufficient interest to create a new women's team in a new sport. I suspect if you look up the B1G schools' Title IX numbers, you'll find that most are out of compliance in proportionality terms (too many men), and are avoiding lawsuits by claiming they fully accommodated women's sports interests. But that's going to be harder and harder for them to do as interest in women's wrestling continues to skyrocket.
  8. Agreed. I think PSU has a team in their Altoona campus (DIII) starting next year (too little, too late), while it's still club level at UM and tOSU. Sad. It's especially hard to justify Penn State's head being deep in the sand, not just because of the success of their men's team, but because women's wresting is thriving as much in PA as anywhere in the country, save CA. In fact, per this breakdown of Fargo numbers, all the B1G states (with the ironic exception of Iowa) had strong women's wrestling performances: https://www.themat.com/news/2024/july/21/pennsylvania-wins-overall-fargo2024-team-standings-with-california-and-illinois-in-the-top-three. I'm sure money will get cited as a factor. I'm guessing we'll also hear universities bellyache that sports growth needs to be put on pause now that they have to pay their athletes, per the NCAA deal with Power 5 conferences from a few months back. Even so, with so many D1 programs backed by big donors, it's hard for me to believe that these schools couldn't send out an APB to their benefactors and tap into that largesse. Even if they aren't huge fans, a D1 women's program helps the men's program too, as they help build each others' fan (and revenue) bases, it's a recruiting boon (there's a TON of brother-sister wrestling combos these days), and there's no serious question that having a women's team is an added safeguard against the men's team being cut. And on that note, I just don't see how this isn't a gift from the Title IX compliance gods. Not just in terms of proportionality, but in not having to manufacture nonexistent interest in women's college sports teams that have zero high school pedigree. I'm looking at you, women's rowing. (High school participants: 2100. D1 schools with women's rowing: 89.) Heck, women's wrestling recently passed women's field hockey in high school participation, and 79 D1 schools field a field hockey team. These universities need to decide if they're going to get on the train or get left behind.
  9. Not an Iowa fan but give credit where it is due: Iowa has really stepped up on women's wrestling. There's a whole bunch of other D1 programs that should be out there doing what Iowa's doing but there isn't. Can anyone give me a good reason why the rest of the B1G isn't starting up women's teams? In 2022-23, there were 256,466 boys and 49,127 girls competing in high school wrestling. I'm sure those women's numbers are much higher now, as it is by far the fastest growing sport (see https://apnews.com/article/wrestling-girls-high-school-c1e18531cf36831e158282ea08ca9775). But assuming it's the same, that's about a 5:1 ratio. There's 77 men's D1 programs... by that ratio, there's easily numbers to support 15+ D1 teams. So why are all the women's opportunities buried in NAIA programs? This should be such a no-brainer. Not only is there an enormous unmet need/demand, it also is extremely low-cost for D1 programs. Wrestling is a low-expense sport as it is, but the wrestling infrastructure is already there! It's also an easy way to goose your Title IX numbers. For years, colleges had to avoid getting sued by doing ridiculous things like building a lake in a desert somewhere, in an effort to create a women's crew team for which there was no demonstrated interest (see https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/28/opinion/wrestling-with-title-ix.html). But now it's right there in front of their noses: women who want to wrestle, and just need major colleges to step up. Why are they being ushered off to Life U, McKendree, or Menlo? And getting a team out there early, as Iowa has wisely done, establishes you as a pre-eminent destination for the top women's wrestlers. It's definitely going to happen, it's just a matter of when -- and if a given D1 school is going to be a leader or on the outside looking in. I'm picking on the B1G schools since they're the pre-eminent wrestling conference and Iowa has shown the other schools the way. Time for them to get off their lazy rears and get in the game.
  10. I dunno. Given that Jordan won worlds in 2017 and 2022, it feels like a cop-out to say his one-point losses to Sidakov in 2018 and 2019 were because he was "past his prime." But I wouldn't put Sidakov ahead of JB either. He may be on JB's level but hasn't matched his longevity and accomplishments. The "past his prime" argument is that he was basically untouchable 2011-13, and was at his athletic peak then. Fair enough. But he was also super raw. His lace didn't develop until later. He got a lot savvier as he got older, IMO, mentally stronger. Personally I think his peak ran the full decade, with peak JB being represented by varying versions of JB, his reduced athleticism over time being offset by improvements in other areas. His losses in the latter half were more from guys finally figuring him out. And because his peak ran for such a long time, I'm reluctant to credit Sidakov's career over JB's for beating him in just one small sliver of it, in matches that came down to a last-second score, with a near-decade's worth of Russian intel on how to beat JB. What I feel like people forget is that when Jordan hit the scene in 2011, it was something the world had never seen. Not just his athleticism, what he did with it: His low double and reshot was revolutionary. After 2011 worlds, there were so many interviews of Russians, normally disparaging of US wrestling, raving about how exceptional Jordan was. Seeing how Russia tried so hard to come up with ways to figure him out is so interesting, you could probably make a move out of it. One of my favorite matches is the Tsargush-JB rematch in the 2012 Olympics, where Tsargush had this incredibly clever way of sweeping JB's foot to a single. Watch it: its amazing. Didn't quite work. But fast-forward to 2014, and Tsargush finally figured him out, beating JB at worlds 9-2. But Tsargush's career was sunsetting. Enter Geduev -- who was this immovable tank that JB couldn't move around. All those matches were close, JB winning by a point in '15, losing by a point in '16. Then Tsabalov in '17, who also was strong as an ox and better technique, but lacked JB's stamina and faded. So by the time you get Sidakov in '18, Russia had this huge bank of knowledge about what works against JB and what doesn't. Sidakov, to my eye, used an attacking style closer to 2014 Tsargush, but choosing only attacks that don't leave himself open to the reshot, and had the stamina and mental strength that others lacked. The '18 semis match is a classic, with JB getting a go-ahead TD with 10 seconds left, then Sidakov does the same thing with a few ticks on the clock. Then in 2019, Sidakov does the exact same thing again, winning on a last second score. Clutch vs clutch. But technique-wise, no real separation. JB's blast double and reshot wasn't what it once was, but he had other things in his arsenal he didn't have before. Then comes the pandemic, father time, Dake, and a new weight class, so it isn't fair to compare anymore, except that JB showed he can still win with his '22 title. When the dust settles, JB and Sidakov have the same number of Olympic titles, but Sidakov has less than half of JB's world titles. He showed he could beat the '18-19 version of JB, but they were as close as it gets, and who knows about other years' versions of JB, without the reservoir of Russian scouting. Not sure Sidakov would even have been the 2020 Olympian if Covid didn't happen since he lost to Tsabalov that year. To put Sidakov ahead of JB I'd need to see him holding that same level for as long as JB, and getting it done as long as JB has. Sorry to ramble!
  11. J'Den is an athletic specimen, no doubt. But to me, that's why he's a good fit for this job, where he'll be coaching other guys with superior athleticism. He can help athletes learn how to use it, as he did. You don't get to be a multi-time world champ on athleticism alone. Nor do I think J'Den relied on his athleticism any more than our other top guys, or is even a better athlete than them. Look at our Olympic team. Lee, Zain, Dake, Brooks, Kyle, Mason... all exceptional athletic specimens. I also don't see how you can criticize the quality of his offense, as his technique is pristine and he had an extremely high conversion rate. It's true that he didn't put as many points on the board as other top guys, but I think that's because he knew he didn't need to, since his defense is so good -- and the name of the game is to score more than your opponent. Those are valuable lessons at the international level. I'd be more inclined to agree if he were being brought in as a high school coach or lower-tier college coach, as I have no doubt it can be tough to teach how to make a technique work to one who lacks your athleticism. Anyway, I guess we'll see, but I'm glad to see him on board.
  12. Shock to me too. I wonder how the other Russians see it? Are they like, "you traitor"? Or more like, "damn that took balls, better watch your back"? I'm assuming the latter.
  13. Seems like a really good grab for USA Wrestling: https://www.themat.com/news/2024/july/09/j-den-cox-named-national-freestyle-development-and-resident-coach-for-usa-wrestling Haven't heard anything about his coaching abilities but it always seemed to me he'd be very good at it... very talented, likeable and a very smart guy.
  14. That sounds like a rhetorical question, but if its a real one, the answer is I don't know. Do you? But if you you're suggesting he intends to go beyond Ukraine to Eastern Europe (e.g. Hungary, Poland, Romania etc), no, I don't think that happens. That's NATO territory and nothing I've read suggests he is either that stupid or that conquering the world is Putin's goal. That isn't to say he doesn't have grander ambitions, but I can't say I'm as sure about what his goals are as some others seem to be. Some say he's trying to rebuild the Soviet empire, but his actions suggest its a lesser version of that, i.e. more about reclaiming areas that he thinks are ethnically and historically "Russian." And I would imagine there's a corollary goal of claiming areas that would put Russia in a position of greater strength relative to NATO. My guess is he's looking to wait out the election, confident Trump will force Ukraine to cede the Ukranian land currently occupied by Russia, and gear up to make another run at the rest of Ukraine in several years when the political climate is right. But I also suspect Putin is weighing whether, if Trump wins, he should seize the moment to try to take the rest of Ukraine. I think he might, if he is convinced Trump will stand by. I'm no foreign policy expert though, and I'm sure there's a lot I don't know here.
  15. A few thoughts. First, I feel bad for the AIN athletes for Russia. Earl's article on the front page says that the boycott was a "unanimous vote" and that the invited athletes participated in it. But the time for the individual athletes to make that decision was two weeks ago. Several declined (mostly Belorussian, and one or two Russian), and the other 10 said yes. So basically all 10 of these athletes wanted to go, and now, obviously not wanting to spend the rest of their life in a Siberian labor camp, decided to "reconsider." Second, it isn't surprising. It never happened before because the AIN process had always been a rubber stamp. But now that the IOC actually decided to give a crap, and affirmatively refuse invites to people who are actively cheering on Russia's land-grabbing invasion, it creates a scenario where only athletes who steadfastly refuse to support their own government can participate. And if you're Putin, that's just not tenable. You can't have athletes actively trying to dissociate themselves from you. Better to ban them from going at all, lest it spark dissent against the warmongering regime. Third, all of this tells me the IOC, for once, got it right. Prior "bans" have been a JOKE, with there always being a de facto Russian team there, praising Putin as Putin praises them back. The AIN process was always supposed to be about the rights of the individual athletes, not Russia's rights, but Russia basically got to have a team in every way except in name. But done right, the AIN process can actually do some social good by incentivizing change. So while the boycott sucks for the AIN wrestlers, it tells them: either (a) stay in your country and cheerlead for its bad actions, and lose your right to compete, or (b) stay in your country and don't cheerlead, but realize your country may *still* not let you compete, incentivizing you and your supports to advocate for change in your country's behavior, or (c) find a better country, and compete there. Fourth, the question remains whether AIN selections will remain as rigorous for future UWW events. After all, many of these Russian athletes cleared the AIN hurdle for 2023 Worlds. What changed? Will UWW, when not being glared at by IOC, continue with its prior weak approval process, or will it have teeth? Does Sadulaev make a sudden return in 2025? Only if it has teeth going forward can the new AIN process have any effect. (My own guess is Trump wins in November, immediately cease all support for Ukraine, Ukraine is forced to capitulate and cede land, the war ends, the ban ends.) Fifth, all that said, it sucks we won't get to see the US wrestlers compete with Russia's best.
  16. LOL. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, I think we should pass a law forbidding anyone from saying anything negative about a wrestling team that loses, and I think Bo should have to give participation ribbons to all the schools he says no to. I think maybe your MAGA hat is on a little too tight, as you don't seem to realize there's a difference between being honest and open about who the best and worst teams are, as opposed to singling out and highlighting who the worst are for no beneficial or constructive reason. Its just poor taste. Hey I have an idea. How about colleges, when doing their recruiting, don't go after the kids they don't like. Instead, each week, they should publish a list of the wrestlers they definitely do NOT want on their team, until there's just a handful left. Great idea, right? Then at least that fat JV heavyweight son of yours will know right away that Penn State doesn't want him!
  17. The whole thing has a LeBron-taking-his-talents-to-Miami feel to it. Just rubbing salt in the wound of every school he's saying no to, and doing a de facto ranking of D1 schools from worst-to-best while he's at it. I know it isn't his intent and I like Bo, but someone needs to talk to this kid and help him understand how disrespectful this comes off. That said, the Gardner-Webb coach is one of my new favorite humans. Aces.
  18. So I guess they didn't allow any substitutions, since it was recently reported that Bey was now eligible. Chamizo is now in too. This was the right call by the IOC. I assume that's also why some Russian/Belarusians athletes refuses the invite? Some sort of protest? Mostly Belarusian it looks like. As it is, the present status is that only 10 of the 26 AINs put forth will be competing. That's remarkable. And it could be very harmful if not devastating to the Russian wrestling program, which has been struggling to keep their best athletes from defecting. The loyalists will stick around, but they're also the ones most apt to be spotted in some pro-Putin parade and lose their AIN status. My guess is a most of the AIN athletes will appeal their exclusion and some will win, so we'll see a few of these folks back in. But personally I think the AIN has been a rubber-stamp for far too long, and I'm glad to see the IOC putting some teeth in their review. Gratz to Bey. Most exciting Greco wrestler left after Hancock bailed, and good to have him in the Games.
  19. The way Lewis just fed Brands his hips...
  20. The higher number of participants in swimming may move the needle slightly vs wrestling, but not all that much, since participation doesn't translate into viewership. I wrestled as a kid too, but can imagine nothing more dull than turning on the TV to watch a swim meet. No one's turning on the TV to watch the Colorado vs. Oklahoma State men's swim meet, nor is any network running out to buy the rights to the event. If some college kid broke the world record in the 1600 meter backstroke, would you watch the youtube video of it? No, you would not. You would have zero appreciation of or excitement in what you're watching. Gymnastics is different. It is objectively fun to watch. It doesn't take any special skill or knowledge of the rules to appreciate the amazing athletic feats you are seeing. Just like people pay big bucks to go to a Cirque de Solail, or take their kids to the Big Top Circus. Dual meets are all over the TV, and youtube videos of Simone Biles getting a 10 get a million views in no time.
  21. I like swimming too, but can I confess that what you wrote here, while 100% true, makes me a bit salty? If you ask your average American to name the "greatest US Olympian ever," or lets say the top 5 greatest US Olympians, there's a good chance 3 of the 5 would be the swimmers you named. But are they really the greatest? Or are they just counting up the number of medals, which favors swimming because it is the ONLY Olympic sport where you can run up a huge medal count? Sorry, I'm not convinced Mark Spitz is any better an Olympian than, say, John Smith. I don't think 9 golds over two Olympics in a sport where the same skill set enables you to compete in a bunch of highly-similar events, is necessarily better than getting gold in 2 different Olympics in the only event in which he could reasonably hope to qualify. Lets say hypothetically the IOC made 2 rule changes: 1. In swimming, each swimmer on your team can compete only in one event. If you're good at the breast stroke, you don't get to stack up medals by competing in 2 different breast stroke events plus 2 different relays. Just one. 2. In wrestling, they have freestyle, Greco, beach wrestling, Sambo and grappling (5 styles), and to keep the numbers down, each country must have only ONE wrestler competing at a given weight class -- in other words, the same 57kg wrestler for the US also competes in 57kg Greco and 57kg Beach and so on. Just like that, you'd see a huge turn in popularity. No swimmer would win more than one medal, and they'd only be on TV for that one day their event is on. But wrestlers would be competing over several days in their various activities, and the best could finish with 3 or 4 different medals. Advertisers would be tripping over each other to sponsor those athletes, because now suddenly they're the best marketing investment.
  22. That's small part of it but not the main thing. I mean sure, a race to the finish line has an ease of simplicity to it. But if that were enough to draw a crowd, people would be lining up at swim meets around the country to watch the finish line. They don't. Same with track, another race to the finish line (except on land) -- immensely popular in Olympic years, but which no one in their right mind would watch voluntarily outside of an Olympic broadcast. The real difference is volume. There's just so dang much of it, which manifests itself in three ways: 1. There's 35 total swimming events spread out across the whole Olympics. It spans the entirety of the Games, from start to finish. (Again, similar to track.) 2. Because there's so much, the top individual athletes compete over a period of 7-10 days, not just 1 or 2, capturing eyes for a longer period of time. 3. Because the sport's top athletes typically compete in a multitude of events over a period of time, there's the chance for a hoard of medals. Meanwhile wrestling occupies just a few days of the Olympic program. The individual athletes are usually on the mat for just 1-2 days. And given the rarity of dual Greco-freestyle competitors, the max number of medals is one. Why does that matter so much? Money. Olympic networks and their sponsors are companies paying many tens of millions of dollars to finance the broadcast, and it only pays off if there's a LOT of viewers. And you only get viewers if people care enough to watch. But no one cares about most Olympic sports, so the network and their advertisers need to make people care, by hyping up the event and creating heroes. That means (1) pouring money into the sports that will give them the biggest financial return, and (2) pouring money into the individual athletes who will get them the biggest return. Swimming (and track) fares well on both those criteria. As sports, they have SO many events that they will occupy SO much airtime, so advertisers will invest. And since the top individual swimmers will be on the screen for over a week, not just a day or two, and have the chance to grab several medals, that makes them ideal heroes to create. Wrestling? Not so much. It occupies such a small role in the Olympics, and is over in just a few days, that an investment by advertisers just won't yield much return. Same with its athletes: no matter how charismatic or fun to watch Jordan Burroughs can be, he's still only on the TV for 1-2 days max, and he's still going to max out at 1 gold medal. Even if JB is a better athlete than Katie Ledecky, how many containers of Tide are you going to sell with JB as your spokesman if he's only on TV for a 24-hour blip with a lone medal, compared to Ledecky who's on for a week and a half and has amasses a neckful of gold over multiple events? Because after all, the question isn't "What is swimming doing that wrestling is not?". Since the answer to THAT question is "nothing." Swimming isn't marketing anything. You haven't heard of Katie Ledecky because of anything USA Swimming did. Rather, the REAL question is, why are networks and advertisers choosing to invest in swimming and swimmers, and not wrestling and wrestlers? And that's the real answer: volume. They and their athletes are on TV longer, and their potential for multiple medals creates makes for a more marketable hero.
  23. Deep down, much as you may loathe them, *everyone* wants to see the Ferraris back in action, especially AJ, and ideally all on the same team. The sheer spectacle of it will be must-watch TV. I was really hoping it'd be Iowa since they're so fun to root against anyway, but I'll settle for the Badgers.
  24. Shout out to Josh Lambrecht for agreeing to be interviewed. Even years later, it can't be an easy thing to talk about, but he does so honestly and graciously. Kinda sucks it threw him off his life plan for a while, but he seems like he is doing well now. Heck of a wrestler... 3x AA, 1x runner up, most would kill to have that kind of resume.
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