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  1. you are really complaining that the President came to the NCAA finals? I am no fan of Biden, but if he had come, I would have admitted that it was pretty cool to get that kind of fan. Calm down buddy, you have clinical grade TDS.
  2. within the past 20 years.
  3. weird take. he wrestled. he likes the sport. its well documented. he's not running for office. he has nothing to gain by coming.
  4. we beg for attention all the time and then we complain about this? make it make sense
  5. I wrestled D1 and not one of my team was tested in the 5 years I was there. 0 tests.
  6. there is a major roid problem in college wrestling. psu is a HUGE offender. now that cheating david taylor is at okie state, their roid program will be catching up as well. This guy here is the dope connection. And cunningham is his bro. https://treigninglab.com/founders Sam Callavita
  7. imagine complaining because the President of the United States came to watch the finals. WTF is wrong with some people?
  8. depends on your goals for the program and who is available to replace him. john smith says hi.
  9. yea, what a dick, deciding to do whats best for him and getting some money. stupid take, poke.
  10. absolutely right. there is some guy here who will now pop up and tell us that a good team can't happen at MSU. just wait for it.
  11. I'd say Brian Smith but I don't think the administration at mizzou cares about wrestling that much.
  12. 1. Zeke Jones - ASU 2. Tom and Terry - Iowa Who else?
  13. being factually accurate = infatuated? weird take from a bad troll
  14. sure, thats how it went down lol what a moron
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