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About DMZ99

  • Birthday November 6

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  1. Who cares? When he signs, that’s news. I don’t care where he’s been, what he had for lunch, or his bowel movements. But I guess people NEED to know. Another paycheck to a pundit….
  2. Why should I care about this guy? His "Ego-posting" has me so excited, awaiting every update...NOT. Surely you guys have actual wresting news to post, rather than this kid's college applications.
  3. This is a WRESTLING page. Go to ESPN for all the baseball BS. Stop trying to be clever (it’s tasteless), and respond to queries from readers, some of whom who actually expect you care. Maybe you can surprise us all, and actually answer questions. We shouldn’t have to put up with your frippery (look it up), instead of factual information.
  4. Who cares? When he signs, he signs. This isn’t worthy of weekly updates from a high school senior. Too much press from someone who has never competed with a college team. Update us on when he does something noteworthy on the mat, not in his e-mail or blog.
  5. Hey… take a good look at the team photo. He was right there, in sweats on the right side. Your ignorance anf attitude are appalling..
  6. Pure bullshit, dude. You make it sound like a WWE table match. The guys get injured and if you think starocci ‘abandoned his team’, you don’t know crap about the sport, his team, or the man.
  7. What’s the latest? Hearing nothing from PSU. Anybody have info
  8. Bogus ratings. Nothing to do with the wrestlers, just schedules. Leaving 5 top ranked (in every other poll) PSU wrestlers off the list with idiotic reasoning about their number of matches is just stupid. Brooks or Starocci, two undefeated returnees, being ignored in favor of guys who happened to be on the mat for a couple of more matches, is a disservice to all fans. Makes these rules and rankings worthless.
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