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Tripnsweep last won the day on October 15 2024

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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. They eliminated football a while ago. But they had a rivalry with another nearby college where much worse things happened and were said between them. One year the opposing coaches got into a fist fight after the game.
  2. Same thing. He has actual disdain for people unless they're rich or can do something for him.
  3. Yeah he "wrestled". Doesn't mean much. Also he got into the UFC after Dana White took over, not before when it barely existed. And it had nothing to do with his interest in MMA. He had been shut out of boxing, remember he was the guy who wanted fellow convicted rapist Mike Tyson to still be allowed to box while incarcerated. His casino was floundering and he only reached out to the UFC to bring them to his casino because he thought it might help him drive interest. He ended up losing his casinos in bankruptcy anyway. His fragile personality needs to be associated with something tough and masculine that appeals to the dimwits that comprise his base of voters. Because if he is viewed as anything but tough and aggressive then he gets mad and defensive. It would have been different if Paul Wellstone become president because he actually was a wrestler and considering his success in wrestling, it would have been a much more personal connection to seeing him at NCAAS. Trump just wants to be seen as tough and associates himself with what he or his advisors around him tell him is. I would even go so far as to say McCain was more of a wrestler than Trump, only because McCain admitted more than once he wasn't very good and saw the gym ceiling lights in every school gym in his area. I don't think Trump is capable of admitting he wasn't the best at something.
  4. Yeah it came about as a protest. The college wanted to start an athletic program back in the 70's I think, and most of the students didn't want it because it would take money from other things and increase tuition. But the college did it anyway and left the mascot and colors up to the student body. So the students picked the artichoke and pink and green as the mascot and colors. The college tried to change it but enough people liked it so they kept "Artie" the Artichoke.
  5. That's the mascot for our local community college.
  6. I don't think it's bad that the president did. I think it's more his reasons for attending that I don't like. For our current president, everything is transactional. Everything is about trying to sell something, his own image, etc. So him appearing isn't because he actually cares about wrestling. It's because he wants to sell the image of himself as some kind of tough guy who represents the values and ideals of wrestling. Keep in mind he's a guy who was born rich, has never had to work a real job, and was handed everything in life. Whereas other presidents we've had, maybe I don't like their politics, but they don't come across as disingenuous pandering narcissists. Like if George Bush went while he was president, I wouldn't have a negative view of it. But somebody who privately has disdain for non rich people? F--- him.
  7. Believing that leads to molesting kids.
  8. Gonna need to find a new big time booster who is willing to put up millions for that.
  9. If I buy an EV it won't be a Tesla. Not necessarily because of this, but because others are better (Polestar). Also I think it's stupid to do this to people who own them or whatever.
  10. Trump is a narcissistic piece of trash. He made it about himself to look like a strong tough guy when in reality he had his chance to serve in the military and chickened out.
  11. I'm an ASU fan but I don't see things getting better anytime soon especially if Figueroa leaves. They didn't recruit well the past few years outside of the Larkins. They haven't landed any real can't miss guys since the Valencia brothers. Zeke is a good coach but I think at this point they should be looking to the next step, and I think they blew their chances on getting anyone who would be an impact coach like DT. Losing Sunkist and their top booster hurt a lot and if they had listened to him, they might not be in this situation.
  12. https://youtu.be/H7OdFlsJA1w?si=mZrYXY7G1IJQU6lf
  13. Watched an interview with him. He was in a coma and almost died? At some point he might want to think about hanging it up. I remember when Frishkorn was at Oklahoma State and had to sadly walk away over similar issues.
  14. Hearing him prattle on about the Bible sounds about as natural as an oral bowel movement.
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