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  1. Zan Fugitt, Nixa Mo made. I forget where he was before Wis.
  2. Terrible round for my team. I can only blame myself. Tomorrow we bounce back. AA status here we come.
  3. RSFR year he was 133 and did well. He was the starter at 133 at the beginning of last season and did decently, but couldn’t hold the weight. K Moore was inserted at 133 and Zeke was the backup at 41 and 49. This year he had some starts at 49 when Gioffre was out with injury but didn’t do bad, but not great. Had some wins but several bad losses. Not sure what his best weight is, and maybe it’s 141, but I don’t believe he beats Edmond. Which is kinda telling with how bad our lineup was this year. I was excited when he committed but not every recruit works out. He has 2 years left, hopefully he can break through and do well for himself.
  4. Thanks guys, sorry about having to up and leave. Good luck to everyone.
  5. I had a family emergency. Please auto draft for me. Idc who they are, I’ll take it. Sorry fellas
  6. Pay @VakAttack and the draft is today for Varsity. Unsure on the second league.
  7. Folks on the Hawkeye Report think R Elam will leave Mizzou to be their new 197 while Ludington RS next year. Sure hope they are wrong, Rocky is a true native son.
  8. @killdozer are you interested in the second league since you were on the waitlist?
  9. Mizzou even if it’s just a trophy. I would love for them to win it all, but I’d take a trophy nonetheless
  10. Yeah I like this. Varsity and JV teams of fantasy wrestling.
  11. Is that the draft order, or just the board set in place awaiting the finalization?
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