First time posting in a while so new log-on. In North Carolina, we have 4 public school classes (1A to 4A). Each have about 100 schools, with the 1A having about 50 schools that sponsor wrestling. These 100 schools are divided into conferences based on location and class. They are also revisited every 4 years. For the dual state tournament, conferences are allocated into either the East or West region. Each region probably has about 8 or 9 conferences and qualifies 16 schools based on conference place and they may take a ‘wild card’ or 2 based on power points. Larger conferences qualify 2 teams while smaller or split (between 3A/4A in the east or mountains) conferences qualify 1. The first 2 rounds are held on a Tuesday and the region semis and final are held on a Thursday. The dual state final between East and West for all classes is held on Saturday. Recently, they’ve been held in Greensboro with 2 matches in 1 session followed by a proceeding session for the other 2 class finals.
The following weekend is individual regions. For individual regions, we have 4 regions for each class (E/ME/MW/W) split evenly based solely on longitude. Therefore a couple of teams in the same conference in the middle of the state may wrestle in the west for dual states, but the ME for individual regionals (or vice versa). This happened to my kids’ school when we were down in 3A. For regions, they take the top 16 based on prestige points (winning percentage combined with last year’s region/state advancement). The top 4 individuals qualify for individual states with team scores being tabulated to crown a regional champion. For the 1A, there are 2 regions (E/W) and they take the top 4 to states. 2A and 1A used to be combined, but that changed about 13 years ago.
At states, they use a formula to create the 16-wrestler bracket (1E vs. 4MW, with winner wrestling winner of 2W vs. 3 ME, etc.). There is no seeding and the 2 best region champs may meet in semis as opposed to the finals. Team scores are also tabulated to crown a state champion from this tournament as well.
Like mentioned before, we revisit our classes every 4 years and recently they did something different. 80% of the class calculation is based on enrollment while 10% is based on ISP (identified student population) which represents the % of kids who receive free and reduced lunch while another 10% of the calculation is based on previous years’ state cup points (running total of athletic success over previous 4 years). Our school is in a bit more affluent area and had success from 2017 to 2021 with state championships in dual wrestling, baseball and girls basketball, so we bumped up from 3A to 4A and are one of the smallest 4A schools in the state. There are actually more than a dozen 3A schools that have a higher enrollment than us. We have come back to earth in our new class across most sports, so we may be going back down to 3A in 2025. For dual wrestling, we are now in the conference with a perennial state power (they won dual states this year and lost in the final last year), so 7 teams are battling for that 1 remaining dual spot. Depending upon the time of year when they wrestle conference matches (overlap with 6-week football playoffs, holidays, etc.), it is a real crapshoot.