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Everything posted by pawrestler

  1. I thought reaction time wasn’t a thing anymore? Once the hand taps it’s two?
  2. Allred is a beast
  3. Trenge was a monster
  4. Allred is looking awesome on his feet but has gotta ride a little more
  5. My finals Jesus bingo card is filling in nicely
  6. Man I wish Starocci would open up more. He could do so much more in most matches
  7. Only because I hate how accurate that is
  8. I’d pay good money for a Hamiti Haines all star match up next year
  9. That really sucks
  10. What’d he do?
  11. Is it really Ham-ity and not Hem-e-ti?
  12. HAINES!!!
  13. Pumped about this match
  14. That attempted zoom to his family was crazy lol
  15. My feed keeps dropping and I stg if I have to watch this Wendy’s commercial one more time while I’m missing action
  16. The finals are great this year
  17. Giving up that Turk. Not taking top. Going for the cradle. I lost a year of my life watching that match.
  18. Hardy could’ve won if he didn’t go for that stupid cradle instead of the TD!!
  19. Giving up a leg Turk like that should be a felony
  20. I’m shocked they didn’t get the NF
  21. RBY with the statue defense
  22. Kinda weird interview
  23. Is the secret to being a four timer having a shade of red singlet
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