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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Brooks beats Ferrari no doubt. I'll take any bettors if it ever happens.
  2. nothing like drunken uncle conspiracy theories on Thanksgiving
  3. Did you find out Cael is a direct descendent of Aaron Burr? You're obsession of everything PSU is getting a little creepy
  4. WKN is like your first son so there's something there but Fly is that child that's the twinkle in your eyes
  5. Still Jimmyesque. Starting a thread on a subject that's already been and is being discussed on another thread is par for the course
  6. So what do you think? Does he have a chance against Gabe Arnold? Need some counter points for Cinnabon's eventual Thread
  7. Im predicting this is the match of the night
  8. We can discuss at the studio tomorrow. Lets not let Starrocci get in the way of releasing our new album
  9. You must be new here but I'm Aaron Brooks' biggest fan on this board and even claimed on this board he'd go down a PSU's greatest all time wrestler. I was called crazy
  10. We all know. But the key to winning his 4th this year is managing his Height fluctuation
  11. What did Aaron Brooks height in at today? 5' 4"?
  12. Is Bernie practicing with Jimmy Gulibon? I've seen this strategy before
  13. Bernie's strategy is suspect
  14. nhs67 Members 5.3k Posted April 15 Starocci is the biggest staller for as dominant as he is, it's ridiculous. Just like Heil, when they changed the danger zone rules, if they change the top stalling rules this offseason he will take some losses next year.
  15. That was a butt whoopin
  16. Carter relentlessly attacking @nhs67must be losing his mind
  17. McGonagle with a big win for Gryffindor
  18. Is anyone else being asked to join Flo to watch this event while already having a subscription?
  19. So much for keeping it neutral
  20. Great points. With the "generational" label the list should be short. Even with Marstellar there were question marks on him coming into college. Why I would never put him on the list. Surprised @Husker_Duhasn't chimed in. He would be the authority on this subject more than anyone else I can think of
  21. Donald Trump Joe Biden Done!
  22. As a PSU fan I'm just happy we're being open about it now.
  23. It's always hard on these boards when @Interviewed_at_Weehawkenbrings up PSU's juicing allegations but when they are openly endorsing it, it is only fair to to acknowledge it and give Alexander Hamilton his props
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