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  1. Like it or not, we are a heavily divided nation. One side hates the other's existence. Right now, we have single party rule under an erstwhile despot. For many of us, this is a frightening prospect. Donald Trump makes some awful people very comfortable being their worst selves. And others watch with glee knowing we are uneasy. Enjoy your victory, and be careful what you wish for. None of this is going to turn out like you think.
  2. No, they are not FBI plants.
  3. I am sort of looking forward to him flaming out. He will have a decent career, but I predict no senior world team or olympic teams.
  4. Nothing to discuss. We lost. You own the libs. The war is over and the enemy won.
  5. Honestly? I am afraid of you. I don't feel safe in my country around trump supporters. A demographic that embraces proud boys, patriot front, and other neo nazi orgs. As a non practicing Jew, I do not feel safe here anymore.
  6. Gilman's an asshat. He is human and entitled to be an asshat, but one nonetheless.
  7. Minimum wage was designed to provide the lowest wage necessary to provide food and shelter for a full time employee. No amount of revisionist history will change that. Now obviously the federal minimum wage has not kept pace with cost of living and a few municipalities have attempted to offset, but again have fallen way short.
  8. We are getting ahead of ourselves. The transitive effect does not always carry in wrestling. Brooks might have solved Taylor only to get picked off in the Olympics. Hopefully that isn't the case.
  9. Take a break from the forum, and I see I didn't miss much. JRoss still wanting to dictate how others live? Why do you care so much how or if someone stands for a jingoistic anthem? It is just a song.
  10. No one asked you. Gfy
  11. ...
  12. I challenge any conservative from this board to admit the events at the Capitol on Jan 06, 2021 was the violent insurrection attempt that it was. Not a single one of you have the intellectual integrity to do so.
  13. I am just fine. You magas are so easily triggered
  14. People were always jerks. Now just more attention is drawn to it via social media. We might have been polite in public but behind closed people still treated each other horribly.
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