I guess I'll also add my thoughts on the weight classes.
I'm and old fogie and really they don't matter as long as we have a wide range of weights. Anyone that complains about the weight classes is doing so based on their immediate experiences and most likely how their team is shaping up today and the future. There are years coaching where I wanted the old 103 start weight and years I wish the start weight was 110. There are years where I would have loved having 6 weights 170 on up and years where I wish there were 2! In my area we might have trouble filling 182lbs, but in others they may have trouble filling 106lbs.
The bottom line is the weight classes won't do much to affect the forfeit issue that is there. Reducing the number of weights just gives coaches an artificial bump in saying their reduced forfeits and they'll keep doing the same things with recruiting and retention. The NFHS and NWCA need to focus more on educating coaches and working on retention of athletes more than the weight classes. If we do a better job of retaining athletes we will see a reduction in forfeits more than changing the weights will ever do.