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Joe Rau 97kg Greco

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I don't really follow greco, but I seem to recall that he left his shoes on the mat after losing in the best of three finals at the 2021 trials.  He won the spot up a weight at 97kg.  I tried to find some information to confirm my recollection regarding his retirement and I found a bunch of information that he was challenging his loss at the 2021 trials via arbitration.  From what I gather Rau and his coaches requested the official of his final be changed because he had a team affiliation with Rau's opponent.  This was denied and there was some fishy stoppages and calls during the first bout.  

Match 1 Rau Stefanowicz 2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K04Fxf17rkA  

Match 2 Rau Stefanowicz 2021 - https://youtu.be/oGtE-K01ry8?si=r954edGNmen29W4l

Match 2 doesn't shoe him leaving his shoes on the mat.  Does anyone recall him leaving his shoes on the mat in 2021?  Does anyone know the outcome of the arbitration?  I assume he lost because Stefanowicz wrestled at the Olympics, but is the decision available anywhere?  Did they re-wrestle the match?

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