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Pa in Taiwan

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  1. That's rich, especially considering that we were second place that year. The Soviet Union had 5 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze.
  2. What's the deal with making the team? Are people sitting because of previous World medals, or Olympic medals? It should be a great qualifying tournament in the US to see who makes the team. Any HEW Olympic reps who you see sitting this one out? Who you got?
  3. Should there be peace on Earth, an end to war, and every man loving all his neighbors?
  4. Yeah, my comment on the other thread about Post-Olympic reflections, which appeared before the 65kg and 97kg weights had even begun: This guy is making a statement about our FANS, not our wrestlers. And perhaps he is making a statement to demonstrate something about HIMSELF as a US wrestling fan. Seriously, the number of US fans saying that we would win gold at all six weight classes really had me chuckling. I know it's nice to be a homer, but you should never let your homerism get in the way of logic and truth. The logic and truth have been telling me that THE WORLD IS DEEP. I commend the US team for representing our country and giving their all. I agree that things didn't go our way this Olympics, and a few close matches went the wrong way for the USA. Those who were talking sh** about how the US would take all six gold medals weren't giving proper respect to the quality of wresters at the Olympics. Anyone not respecting the US team this year is completely wrong. I just give props to ALL the wrestlers who make it to the Olympics. No easy matches.
  5. What a funny comment! Uguev would be a real threat at 57kg., Sadulaev is a real threat at 97kg., Sidakov is the king of 74kg, not to mention Jamalov and Rassadin, both Russians repping other countries at that weight, Mamedov is a hammer at 65kg, and Kurbabov at 125kg isn't a top contender, but on any given day. The absence of Russia is huge.
  6. This guy is making a statement about our FANS, not our wrestlers. And perhaps he is making a statement to demonstrate something about HIMSELF as a US wrestling fan. Seriously, the number of US fans saying that we would win gold at all six weight classes really had me chuckling. I know it's nice to be a homer, but you should never let your homerism get in the way of logic and truth. The logic and truth have been telling me that THE WORLD IS DEEP. I commend the US team for representing our country and giving their all. I agree that things didn't go our way this Olympics, and a few close matches went the wrong way for the USA. Those who were talking sh** about how the US would take all six gold medals weren't giving proper respect to the quality of wresters at the Olympics. Anyone not respecting the US team this year is completely wrong. I just give props to ALL the wrestlers who make it to the Olympics. No easy matches.
  7. I think perhaps you misunderstood me. I wasn't saying that Yazdani was the strongest wrestler when he digs in and gets low because of his tech of Hidlay. I have been watching Yazdani for a long time, and he has been pushing people around the mat for ALL of that time. DT got the better of him for sure, but even in the first match in which DT pinned a gassed Yazdani, we should remember that Hassan bulled Taylor around the mat and almost got him disqualified for backing out. Go back to Yazdani eight years or so ago at 74kg when he faced Dieringer, who was NOT a small 74kg wrestler. He absolutely bulled Dieringer around the mat in a 10-0 tech. Even Bader and Piles were commenting that they had never seen anyone physically handle Dieringer like that. He gets really low and has tremendous forward pressure. In more recent years, he has effectively changed that forward pressure into insane snaps. I don't think that Yazdani will adopt a strategy of showing off his pushing strength against Brooks early, as he will try to be smart and conserve energy. I hope we see that match at the Olympics. Nothing is carved in stone, especially with Brooks having little or no experience with senior men's wrestlers at 86kg.
  8. Actually, although I don't disagree with you, you should keep in mind that Yazdani beat Taylor in Worlds in 2021.
  9. If Yazdani wins, he will continue wrestling. He was born in 1994; he turns 30 in December. I would imagine an Olympic gold would motivate him to win a few more World Championships, which would give him a greater amount of medals than Taylor. That said, Taylor still has the head to head wins. I think Taylor just matched up well against Yazdani. I guess we'll see if Brooks matches up well with Hassan, who looked pretty good in his tech of Trent Hidlay earlier this year. Hassan appears to be recovered from whatever surgery he had. Brooks will have to wrestle a very high intensity match and try to gas Yazdani. When Hassan gets low and puts on the forward pressure, he might be the strongest wrestler I've ever seen.
  10. Got news for you. Yazdani is stronger than Aaron Brooks. The question is endurance. I guarantee you that Yazdani will bull Brooks around the mat in the first minute or two.
  11. It's hard to fathom the idiocy of comments here, calling on Dake to try to call Sidakov out and go 100% in a match to try to take one only one month before the Olympics. Spencer Lee, Zain, Dake, Brooks, Snyder and Parris have all been robbed the opportunity to compete against some of the best wrestlers in the world. Dake wants one against Sidakov, and there's a perfect opportunity for it, but it is NOT in the runup to the Olympic Games. I feel that the US Senior Men's team should participate as a group in the Russian Friendship Games from September 15 - 29, 2024. It is a great way to vote thumbs down on this exclusion of Russian competitors. If you think about it, it's also enough time to recover from the Olympics. USA Wrestling and the current administration will do all they can to nix this idea, even going so far as to ban US wrestlers from competing, in my opinion. There's no need for a Russia post Olympics dual meet; there will be some of the best wrestlers in the world at the Russian Friendship Games, and if the US team, especially one bearing heavy metals from the Olympics, demand to compete, you had better believe that nearly ALL of the best wrestlers in the world will make it.
  12. For those wondering if we should put an asterisk next to Dake's gold medal if he wins the Olympics... YES!
  13. Harken back to the 2016 Freestyle World Cup. Yazdani was at 74kg for Iran at that time, and everyone was very excited about the JB/Yazdani matchup. JB's wife was giving birth to one of his kids at the time, and he decided to skip the World Cup event. His choice, but it certainly appeared to me as a duck. The Iran team, perhaps even Yazdani specifically, presented JB with a gift, a sign of respect. I saw JB do an interview in which he referred to the gift as a way to thank him for not wrestling in the World Cup, as if it were a bribe or something. This was the absolute opposite of "gracious, charming, articulate and engaging". It was actually responding to a sign of respect with an overt sign of disrespect on the international stage. Yazdani was prepared to face Burroughs, and Hassan was at the top of his game at 74kg at that time. The results? Iran beat the US in the finals of the 2016 Freestyle World Cup, and it came down to the 74kg match. 2016 Freestyle World Cup Hassan Yazdanicharati IRI tf Alex Dieringer USA, 10-0 I think if Dieringer had scored even one point, the result of the tournament would have been different, because team points were increased for shutouts.
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