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Everything posted by boilermaker5

  1. Okay, so, Taylor beat Blaze 2/3, but Blaze finished higher in the conf. tournament. Who gets the higher seed? Whole season may lean Taylor, but there always seems to be heavy weight based on conf. placement.
  2. Clark's win at 141 qualifies 5 boilers for nationals, that's a pretty solid result vs allocations.
  3. Lilledahl may be the first wrestler I've seen to catch every one of Ramos's roll throughs, wow.
  4. Hi Pablo! I think jchapman has a good take when comparing results. To me, wrestling is much more binary win/loss, and that is probably the best indicator. Some wrestlers can win a LOT of matches 4-1, whereas others have much more offence. When trying to apply an algorithm based on score, you would think that those who shoot/score a lot would be better (wins by Major/TF more), but in reality/head to head, that one takedown wrestler who is almost impossible to score on may be favored. When trying to predict a win/loss head to head, scoring margins like that aren't going to be the case. If I had to guess, the most predictive model will weigh the win/loss more heavily in wrestling than in volleyball. I would be very interested to see what is more accurate in the tournament, this Pablo model, an ELO model, or rankings like Intermat, and that shouldn't bee TOO difficult of a comparison to make, who is ranked higher on what model, and was the prediction correct. The only problem there will likely be a small sample size (models will likely favor the same wrestler in most cases). Good luck! and finally, you probably have, but have you looked at wrestlestat? they've got a very similar model going: https://www.wrestlestat.com/faq#:~:text=The algorithm factors in the,that have fewer total matches.
  5. Blaze with a 2-0 win over Kellar
  6. https://mutigers.com/documents/2024/11/8/Brackets_Draft_1.pdf ^ Brackets (don't think they're updating them)
  7. Oh he definitely won and was better in the bout, just venting frustration. Ramos is a little high ceiling/low floor, and Cronin ducked him in the Dual, DeAugustino ducked him in the Dual and in the Tournament. I'll say Coleman didn't go against Chumbley in the Dual, so there's that, but something needs to be done. You know they aren't going to punish the wrestlers when seeding.
  8. DeAugustino has ducked Ramos twice this year. Won on a first takedown and caught a desperation throw. I don't know, Wrestling annoys me.
  9. Random fan here that never wrestled, but I may be able to provide a few insights. Purdue has had several good years in a row from 2019-last year, but they are very young this year, so while recently they have had a really solid lineup (7 or 8 NQs with several possible AAs that are voodoo hexed never to make it (Brunner, Lydy, Schroder, etc...) This year they are wrestling a LOT of younger guys. No, they rarely lose to teams like Drexel, but they're young this year. Doesn't help that for reasons unknown to me, 197 blood round/possible AA Penola isn't wrestling this year, so they are going from 3/4 studs down to 2/3, with many weights currently looking like they aren't going to NQ. Currently it seems like 125, 141, 157 are the only NQ locks, and Purdue may get one or two more in with good Big Tens, which is definitely down.
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