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Bob's Bud
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Posts posted by LJB

  1. 9 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Whole hearted agreement.  To add a branch under parenting.......developing coping skills.   We don't want kids to have to cope with problems and feel uncomfortable anymore, we want to fix it for them and make sure they always feel nice and cozy all of the time.   Then they get out in the real world....


    Honestly, I don't think any of us on this board have the correct answers to this problem.   That would take being heavily involved and invested in the work (research, etc) to carve out the best solutions.  The biggest problem as you've pointed to, it's never going to happen until we sit down and talk.  As long as both sides main priority is silencing and/or defending the other side's ideas on the issue it will continue to get more divisive.

    Two facts that can be and are mutually true:    A gun sitting on a table with no one around it isn't going to shoot anyone.  Likewise, a crazed unfit individual who doesn't have access to a gun isn't going to shoot anyone. 

    that same crazy unfit individual will find a way...

    they always do...

    i have posted a link of kids causing a woman to die by throwing rocks at her windshield...

    it has been conveniently ignored...

    we do not have a gun problem...

    we have a mental health problem for all the reasons (and more) you listed...

    gun deaths pale in number every year in this country to deaths associated with obesity and sloth...


    that issue does not generate enough money as compared to the food industry's lobbyists, so, those deaths do not matter...

    • Fire 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Bigbrog said:

    So everyone knows this, but what are the solutions?  Other than the ole tired "Get Rid Of Guns" rhetoric.   

    Readily available and cheap mental health programs for children and adults.  Makes it more "Ok" in our society and normal to talk about (but not force pills down people's throats).  Start getting our society to refocus the role of parents and on parenting skills.  Bring back some of the accountability norms for people and their actions...including how they behave on the internet.  Tell people to turn off their tv.  Demand our politicians work together!  Severe punishments for crimes that occur while in possession of guns.  I could go on but these are my some of my simple mind solutions. 

    But I will say...my No. 1 thing that will help reduce tragic events like mass murder is PARENTING!!!  We need to change our culture around parenting and what their role is.  And we can start by holding parents accountable for the action of their kids!

    those are not good enough talking points to get clicks on a headline...

  3. 14 minutes ago, MadMardigain said:

    I always figured something like Jujitsu (gi or no gi) would be pushed as the next Combat Sport since it’s got a good international following, would allow some nations that don’t traditionally medal a ton to gain more hardware, and is more ground based and the Olympics doesn’t have much of that in their Combat Sports department.  Not sure why Brazil didn’t push it as one of their Olympics trial sports. 

    The BJJ world could never pass the WADA tests… 

    it would be a huge embarrassment…

    • Fire 1
  4. 1 hour ago, npope said:

    Doesn't the wrestle-off system allow for the postponement of matches if one of the participants is injured? I think one of the women's matches was postponed for that very reason and will be wrestled at a later point in time. Am I missing something?

    you have to be a returning world medalist to get the wrestle off...

    there is a specific date which was about 2 days before the event...

    cox was not a returning world medalist at 97kg...

    • Fire 1
  5. 3 hours ago, BerniePragle said:

    I posted this to try to show the idiocy of the old "He could have used a rock or a hammer" argument so loved by some.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It should be obvious that this guy very most likely would not have killed a PA State Trooper and critically injured another without a gun.  The gun empowered someone who obviously (to me anyway) shouldn't have had one, to take a life.  In that sense, it did what it was intended to do.  Again, pretty obvious.  

    Amazing to me that so many people, and one organization which is the most politically connected in the country, have such a hard time admitting that there exists at least one person in the US who shouldn't be in possesion of a gun.  I'm even more amazed how people such as myself are constantly accused of "having an agenda", while the companies making money through the sales of guns and ammo must not have an agenda.  Now, to use a turn on a well worn phrase... I couldn't make that up.

    Anyway, fear not sheep.  If the murders of 26 people in an elementary school, and countless other tragedies, couldn't reign in the NRA, one PA State Trooper certainly isn't.  Carry on...


  6. 4 minutes ago, Formally140 said:

    The story I was told, Guerrero made the Olympic team. And Smith took him down teched him on guts after winking at a person who was watching

    i have had guerrero try and big dik me at tourney... 

    it was equal parts ridiculous and hysterical...

    the boy was standing right next to us and he was like WTF is going on... 

    i just gave the boy a wink and continued to breath straight in his guerrero's ear while he was being guerrero...

    absolutely nothing intimidating about it at all...

    i would have melted into a puddle of piss if uncle john had some anything near like that...

    i have hung out with and partied with world champion road racers, wrestlers, and fighters...

    hung out and partied with all sorts of other legitimately bad men...

    all psychos in their own right...

    none of them are quite like uncle john...



  7. A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    January 17, 1961

  8. 1 minute ago, ILLINIWrestlingBlog said:

    When, exactly, is the best time to get the excuses out there? 


    *I have used this word too much*...

    you spent a week talking about sweat...

    your boy won...

    good for him...

    i actually like zane... talked with him in vegas before his matches and after he won while he was wandering the casino late that evening after dropping nicky pushups celebrating with an ice cream (no sprinkles... that would have been too crazy)...

    doesn't change what happened at final x...

    gillman was definitely off and zane was definitely on..

    and you are definitely an unabashed homer...

    zach galifianakis congrats GIF


  9. Just now, BobDole said:

    No matter the time or day @LJB would be upset, let's just accept that.

    Not only were the new people in a period of transition and huge event madness, but would there have been complaints if the post was shoved in between Final X match promotion or results? I could only imagine the uproar of USAW posting that Kyle Dake won Final X then the Pride month tweet, then something about David Taylor.

    *I have used this word too much* bobbie!!!

    i would dare you to find someone on this silly bbs that has more daily gratitude for their life than i do...

    even actually knowing what i do...

    and a big part of that gratitude is that i get to see on a daily basis right here how lucky i truly am being me...


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