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  1. That would make it even better
  2. I’m sure he’d get it. He tore something in his knee right after CKLV
  3. Yeah I only said 184 bc that was the excuse for him redshirting but I’m sure it wasn’t the full truth
  4. McCrone Davino Bouzakis Mendez Cannon Gallgher idk about 174 Rocco Rogotzke/Geog Feldman Not a bad squad. Wouldn’t mind them throwing some money at Garrett Thompson from Ohio
  5. Yes. Alirez has ducked top 10 guys and has no great wins
  6. Also Gallagher and Shumate went. Gallagher made the finals and Med Forfeit. Shumate got 1st. This put Paddy over 70% so maybe trying to get another allocation but idk how healthy he is
  7. I agree
  8. There were talks on the OSU Penn State broadcast that both Cannon and Sasso were going to an open Sunday and that would figure things out. Well only Cannon went and he got 1st. So maybe he’s the starter going forward?
  9. Wild that one of Pyles excuses for Sealey getting whooped by Cannon was that “he just watched his high school teammate get pinned”
  10. I get they have the best team. Everyone knows that and it’s not disputed by anyone. But why are PSU fans so insufferable. Can’t give any team or wrestler credit from an opposing team.
  11. So much for Kueter holding Gable to a major lol
  12. Honestly it sucked losing close matches but that was a promising dual for OSU. D’Emilio and Kharchla did better than I expected and I got faith that Jesse will get it back
  13. I think he lost it but they said Cannon and him are going to wrestle at an open Sunday
  14. Man the stars were aligned for OSU. So close at 133,141,149 and 174. But close doesn’t cut it against the champs
  15. It’s Herman. Idk what happened to hepner
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