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  • I love Bob Dole

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State Placer

State Placer (7/14)

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  1. Worst call of the tourney in the Fish/Cannon match, sickening
  2. Matcast on tv, Ohio State/Ohio wrestlers on one laptop, and main espn feed on another laptop. Using the phone for mat assignments
  3. Is there gonna be an updated bracket with Brennan out?
  4. Dumb question but is TF-1.5 for the front and TF-1 for the consis?
  5. Are there any brackets other than the ones NCAA posted? There isn't much room on there to fill out the consi side.
  6. 125 McCrone 133 Orine 141 Edmond 149 Abas 157 Teemer 165 Bianchi 174 Braunagel 184 Rogotzke 197 Smith 285 Day
  7. He has beaten 0 guys in the top 10 and lost to the 7 seed. Alirez has no solid wins this year. He probably shouldn’t of ducked Happel
  8. McGowan hasn’t really wrestled anyone and when he did he lost (Moran and Peterson). He beat Max Gallagher twice but I think those are his only wins. McCrone has bad losses but also pinned the 1 seed so who knows
  9. Everyone is hating on Thompson at 4 but I’m always gonna go to war for him. After the top 3 is just a cluster of guys and Kharchla/Norman had a chance for 4 and had awful weekends. Thompson beat Ruiz and Cassella. Ik he lost to Cramer twice early but he’s beaten him bad twice recently. They usually seem to reward guys wrestling better at the end of the season
  10. Garrett Thompson the 4!!! Let’s gooooo
  11. He doesn’t have 1 good win.
  12. I love that 141 draw for Mendez
  13. Keegan the 1 Haines at 2 Hamiti the 3 With Kharchla and Norman not having great weekends, not sure who’s next. Maybe Pinto? Garrett Thompson from Ohio could be top 5. He’s on fire rn
  14. Yeah I didn’t have the audio on and didn’t see until the end
  15. I don’t agree with Ryan calling the coaches or whoever cowards and all that. But I think he was more upset with the refs giving Ryder the win and then changing it after 5-10 minutes. Even though it was the right call
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