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  1. Alirez does not have a top 10 win. It will be interesting to see where they seed him. Actually Mendez could be the 4 and Koderhandt the 5
  2. 1 Bartlett 2. Happel 3. Hardy 4. Koderhandt 5. Mendez 6. Jamison 7. Vombaur 8. Allierz The quarters are going to be nuts
  3. 141 is going to be tough. Alirez #1 all the way to #8 would not be surprised.
  4. Vombaur was the better wrestler. Will be interesting to see if Mendez had an off night or Vombaur got the confidence to win it all. Man he was in on legs all night and is so strong
  5. Thank you
  6. Is he going 141 or 149 after he comes back?
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