Here's ANOTHER name for a wrestler (from Clarion) @ 174... SUDS Dubler... he was wrestling on Mat1... lost to Indiana's Feilden 4-1.
SUDS... this ones for you.
Gunner Filipowicz of ARMY WP (love that name Gunner) won by TF over Duke's Console 21-1... last points came w/ a TD and 4 NF before the ref called the termination of the match.
5-1 is the final score in Rook's favor over DeRosier of The Citadel (2-1 Rooks before the last second TD off the Citadel's wrestler's TD attempt... )
Indiana's Rooks still doesn't seem to be his self... he's the 3rd seed and right now on Mat8 AND there's a discussion at the scorers table over what the final score seems to be....
Former Cornell wrestler Dominick LaJoie (now w/Stanford is wresling on Mat 3 vs Lane of Gardner Webb.
He's leading 3-0 w/ Lane on his back... Fall for LaJoie.
Judging from how low he tried to go on that split... he need to practice some more (ya know, stretch out his legs further.)
When he hollers several octaves higher than normal, he perfected it!