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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. ... well, the team doctor would then employ the usage of an IV line to deliver the hydration, yes? D3
  2. Well... we could certainly ask Count Floyd about that! "Hey kids... we have a very scary guest for you today. He's are VERY OWN Idaho! I'm telling he's very SCARY... LOOK!" D3
  3. Hey, why look for a future impact player... ... when it was jimminy stickilysweetbuns all along? D3
  4. Poe-tay-toe Poe-tah-toe Toe-may-toe Toe-mah-toe Let's put some toe-fungus medication on it and call the whole thing off. D3
  5. Ionel sez: I don't want a different browser just for this site, using same browser across three platforms. Its crazy that these ads take away functions from the forum. I'd look for a new ad approach. It is very frustrating. ^^^^^This^^^^^ Sometimes, it's like playing wack-a-mole w/ these adds... you X one out, and another one comes around and takes it's place. (Frustrating, indeed!) D3
  6. Wowza! WKN does it again! D3
  7. do
  8. ska
  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ D3
  10. Easy there, Sparky... A bit sensitive w/ that Cornell/Ag School question that keeps coming back? Rest assure, that the Big Red isn't going away ANY time soon (your program is too well established to just fade away... ) D3
  11. Yep... Vito DID win. (But jus' enuf.) Blaze & Crookham would be a defensive donnybrook. Crookham w/ the edge. D3
  12. Albania next! Next , Tirana Albania! (... a play off of scene with the conductor on the train pulling into Transylvania, in "Young Frankenstein.") D3
  14. Who knows indeed! D3
  15. All FS world team members today went 2-0. D3
  16. David Taylor, hits a cradle for the fall vs Zahid Valencia... 2nd win and he's on the world team. D3
  17. Jordan Burroughs outlast Chance Marsteller 6-3 to take the 2nd match & he's on the world team. D3
  18. James Green gets the second win... all scores on shot clock points, 2-1 over Alex Pantaleo. He's back on the team! D3
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