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Everything posted by jajensen09

  1. Condomitti beat Wilson 8-4 in wrestle offs
  2. Wilson got beat 4-8 in wrestle off
  3. I gotchya. He didn't look to great in the first dual. Yikes
  4. When did he mention injuries? He wrestled off?? I sure hope he decides not to redshirt.
  5. 3 guys were out
  6. It is. And boo 133. Ridge redshirt
  7. He only had like a 36-15 d2 record. Maybe he has improved. Ridge can wrestle 3 duals and still take redshirt. Correct?
  8. Who wants to bet any duals or matches tonight?
  9. On paper. Ndsu has 4 guys rated higher than nebraska
  10. Mark Manning just put out a video saying it's looking like they will redshirt ridge
  11. Anyone want to wager on Nebraska dual tonight?
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