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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. You are missing someone...
  2. Psu losing alot of team points too
  3. We develop. We developed Caleb Smith. We also give you what you earn. If you are an AA you will get paid
  4. Nebraska is only a guy or 2 away from a title
  5. Not sure if mcdaniel will redshirt. It would make sense for Pinto and allred to stay where they are and bring in Trumble
  6. Ziola is expected to redshirt and be the future heavyweight.
  7. I agree. The reason we didn't go after him in the first place was because we had Schultz and allred at the time. Since then allred and trumble switched weight classes
  8. He is from Nebraska
  9. 125 landerson 133 van dee 141 hardy 149 lovvett 157 trelly 165 Mesenbrink 174 Pinto 184 Allred 197 wide open 285 trumble
  10. Yes! Mike-johnson-09. Thank you for everything!
  11. Agreed hands down the best coaching staff. Adding james green has helped as well. The development in these guys with little $$ involved is special
  12. Minnesota has some studs. Build that culture
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