Nebraska projections
Hopefully this happens because idk if I can do another year with Harley Andrews
125 - rfr Kael Lauridsen
133 - jr Jacob Van Dee
141 - sr Brock Hardy (I believe he has a better chance here than at 149)
149 - sr Blake Cushing/fr Nikade Zinkin/ Transfer (I'm hoping Zinkin because I think that he is the real deal but wouldn't be upset at Cushing finally getting his chance to be starting)
157 - jr Antrell Taylor
165 - so Christopher Minto
174 - rfr LJ Araujo
184 - sr Lenny Pinto
197 - sr Silas Allred
HWT - fr Cade Ziola/so Camden McDanel/jr Harley Andrews (Idk if I can see Camden moving up because he is a 97kg guy, but I wouldn't be opposed to it. I think Ziola is the better option if he can fill into the weight, he already has a massive frame)
I hope Nebraska can somehow convince Isaac Trumble to come back home, but if not I hope that this is the starting lineup for next year