I didn't know he could sing. I will have to look that up. I hope he goes into college coaching. Any program would be lucky to have him. He'd make a great head coach someday.
Messenbreck was being a punk.. JB finally got tired of it and pushed him after the whistle when they went out of bounds. He got hit with an unsportstmanlike.. fans are booing and yelling at JB as hes leaving the mat.. He stops and starts jawing back at people.
I'm confused by the format. So will the winners of this bracket wrestle the champ best 2/3 tomorrow? Like if JB wins the bracket he will have dake tomorrow best 2/3?
“Agree with my politics or you don’t get to compete” is a ***ducking** stupid philosophy for the Olympics. Who gets to decide which political opinions get you DQd and which don’t?
No I don’t support Russia in the Ukraine.
I think he belongs at a major wrestling school looking turn the corner. But yeah, there has to be something special about coaching at one of the military academies.